
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents

Try to name that countries that have received the most visits by sitting U.S. Presidents.
According to Wikipedia, as of June 2022
Visits to then-colonized nations (e.g. Bahamas) do not count for the colonizing power. Dissolved countries (e.g. Soviet Union) do not count for its legal successor.
The first international trip was made on November 14, 1906 by Theodore Roosevelt
Quiz by Gassu
Last updated: May 28, 2024
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First submittedApril 2, 2017
Times taken172,006
Average score77.3%
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# of Visits
United Kingdom
Vatican City
# of Visits
South Korea
# of Visits
Saudi Arabia
113 Recent Comments
Level 85
Apr 22, 2017
Looks like these stats won't be changing any time soon.
Level 76
Apr 22, 2017
LOL, but disturbingly true.
Level 70
May 27, 2017
First Update!
Level 66
Jun 2, 2017
Bar a few more to Saudi to sell more arms and then onto his pals in Moscow?
Level 34
Jun 2, 2017
Get a life.
Level 77
Jun 2, 2017
I don't know - sounded about right to me.
Level 75
Jun 2, 2017
Wow. Did that hit a nerve JW?!
Level 48
Jun 2, 2017
Belgium, Italy, the Vatican, Israel, Palestine, SA

Scheduled trips to Germany, UK, Vietnam, Philippines (if that happens)

Yep SA and Russia, sounds about right...........

Level 78
Nov 29, 2017
Can I like this more than once? PLEASE!
Level 90
Aug 16, 2018
If Florida were a separate country, it would be #1 all time just in 2017 visits.
Level 49
Aug 23, 2019
^ An interesting quiz idea would be how many times each US state has been visited by the president, though this might be hard to calculate.
Level 81
Jun 26, 2022
To Cao: Don't know about this... but I'm sure the leaders include Virginia, Maryland, Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire... for obvious reasons.

An interesting tidbit I just learned today: 4 presidents have visited all 50 US states while in office: Nixon was the first, and he was followed by Bush Sr., Clinton, and most recently Barack Obama.

Level 77
Jul 7, 2024
Bush Sr is impressive considering he only had one term to do it.
Level 61
Apr 15, 2020
I know you commented this about three years ago, but that is also really relevant with the COVID-19 situation now in April 2020 :)
Level 76
Oct 29, 2023
I didn't even look at the date of the other comment, I just assumed it was referring to Covid.
Level 74
Apr 23, 2017
With Roosevelt's face featured I should have gotten Panama but guessed countries all around it instead.
Level 59
Jan 5, 2021
It was the only one I hadn't guessed when I noticed the fun fact up top.
Level 66
Apr 24, 2017
really interesting quizz!
Level 61
Apr 24, 2017
What's the point of visiting the Vatican? They don't trade or have any foreign policy to speak of. Is it just to get support from the Christian voters in America? Seems like a waste of everyone's time and money
Level 70
Apr 24, 2017
Without getting into the actual value of meeting with the Pope, you may notice that the Vatican was visited 9 times fewer than Italy. One can reasonably imagine that, "when in Rome," you should swing by the Vatican, thus wasting very little time and money...
Level 61
Apr 24, 2017
I suppose you're right that it wouldn't be much of a resource dump if the President is already in Italy/Rome. I still wonder about the point though. Besides the "I'm famous and you're famous, so let's meet and do a photo op", is anything actually accomplished at a President-Pope meeting? 20 President-Pope meetings is a lot.
Level 68
Apr 27, 2017
I'm guessing "photo ops that will look good to the American Catholic electorate" is probably a good motivator.
Level 70
Aug 24, 2017
The Pope is a very influential person as the head of one of the world's largest religions. In general, the Pope's positions are supportive of the USA so it makes perfect sense to meet with him periodically.
Level 81
Jun 1, 2018
"I'm famous and you're famous, so let's meet and do a photo op"

Since the invention of the telephone I think this is the point of pretty much *every* presidential visit.

Level 49
Aug 9, 2018
^ Too true. Why in the modern day is it necessary for time and resources to be spent on world leaders meeting in person?
Level 57
Sep 5, 2018
If you've ever had an important discussion, or negotiation, you know that face to face is much better than over the phone. Reading body language is still too vital in human communication to dismiss important topics to just a phone. Now, with the invention of tele-conferncing, you could have a point. But there are additional implications made through visits beyond just what is discussed by the two parties. From showing support to showing disdain can all be accomplished by who gets a visit and who doesn't.
Level 81
Oct 9, 2018
^ yes, also it makes it easier to collude with the dictator of a hostile foreign power if you have a private room in Helsinki.
Level 51
Aug 23, 2019
^ This comment didn't age too well.
Level 81
Aug 23, 2019
Because it's more clear than ever that the president and his allies in Washington are behaving like foreign assets but so many ignorant people are still in a state of denial about this?
Level 93
May 23, 2020
Dude Kalbahamut you are in serious need of a life and a cure for TDS there...
Level 81
Jul 1, 2020
Thanks for chiming in, aforementioned person.
Level 78
May 7, 2017
I'm surprised that anyone could consider "a waste of time and money" a visit to the spiritual leader of more than a fifth of the USA citizens.

It's a little bit sad determining the value of a meeting only by economical interests. There's more to live than this.

Level 54
Jun 2, 2017
To be honest, nowadays there's zero practical need of presencial meetings with any leaders whatsoever. Any communication can be done with Sype-style (obviously cryptography-enabled). These international meetings are 100% about P.R., there are huge political gains with these encounters.
Level 41
Jun 26, 2022
There's a lot to gain PR-wise from international meetings, but a remote interaction on a screen doesn't allow for the complex, personal, often subtle, interactions that you can have in person and that are so necessary for diplomacy -- or a number of other things. Just think of how learning k-PhD was impacted by the pandemic.
Level 67
Jun 2, 2017
Even in our secularised world, the pope is still considered a great moral power. He's also the spiritual leader to more than a billion people, so there are your reasons.
Level 92
Jun 5, 2017
Not only that but there is a lot of diplomacy that is done through the Vatican. A lot of back channels are available that otherwise wouldn't be. It's very effective in getting communications to and from the Arab world to Israel.
Level 81
Aug 27, 2017
Plus they have a valuable strategic reserve of loyal albino assassins almost skilled enough to take out Tom Hanks.
Level 36
Dec 18, 2017
I'm pretty sure that a visit to the Vatican would have an impact only on Catholics, not Christians in general.
Level 67
Aug 23, 2019
The majority of Christian voters in America are not Catholic, and some Christians are outright hostile to Catholicism. Presidents who rely on support from Christians (basically Republicans these days) get that support from Protestant strongholds. Catholics are situated mostly in Democratic strongholds, i.e., cities and suburbs. That's not to say Catholics are Democrats, but when you think of the passionate Christian Republican base, you're thinking of Protestants.
Level 65
Aug 23, 2019
It makes perfect sense why any sitting president would want to visit the Vatican. Contrary to what many may believe (or wish to be true) the largest religion by percentage of population in the US is Christian. Many of those Christians are Catholic. Since many Christian voters weigh social issues more heavily than others, it only makes sense for the president to have a conversation with the Pope to see what is important to Christians, and more specifically Catholics.
Level 67
Aug 23, 2019
I have never heard anyone suggest that any religion besides Christianity is the biggest in the US. Only 20% of the American Christian population is Catholic.
Level 73
May 3, 2021
Actually, 20% of all Americans are Catholic.
Level 71
Jun 26, 2022
Yeah @Froststar is right; about 20% of the total American population is Catholic. If you judge by American Christians alone, Catholics make up nearly 30% of the population. Regardless of how you look at it, Catholics are a significant portion of the US population.
Level 88
Aug 24, 2019
Well, the votes of millions of Christians and the support of billions more is something.....

Besides, U.S. Presidents spending time and money to visit known terrorist states like Palestine that don't help anyone should be more concerning.

Level 41
Oct 27, 2022
Cringe TinklePork, there's no salvation outside the Catholic Church
Level 68
Jun 2, 2017
Darn I was going to make this exact quiz.
Level 50
Jul 7, 2024
you should. it would probably be better
Level 75
Jun 2, 2017
For trivia about individual trips, see
Level 60
Jun 2, 2017
"Darn than President Moosefight! He keeps making visits to Fiji!"
Level 55
Nov 29, 2021
Your profile says you haven't visited Fiji. What else are you lying about? Are you even called Moosefight? Answer the question Mr President!
Level 67
Jun 2, 2017
Vatican bloody City. Grrr!
Level 22
Jun 2, 2017
missed switz
Level 47
Jun 3, 2017
That was fun. I can't believe I guessed them all.
Level 49
Mar 1, 2021
I guessed all except for panama unfortunately.
Level 45
Jun 25, 2017
All with 7 seconds remaining, one left with a minute to go, only just got the Phillipines

Great quiz :)

Level 64
Jul 8, 2017
Missed Philippines; although great quiz!
Level 66
Sep 3, 2017
amazing quiz!
Level 55
Apr 3, 2018
17 visits to Belgium and less than 9 visits to Netherlands. Is this difference because EU headquarters are in Belgium?
Level 70
Apr 3, 2018
Netherlands are at five visits, the first one in 1989. I think it's less because of the EU headquarters but more due to the NATO headquarters, which is also in Brussels
Level 60
Oct 14, 2020
*sad Quizmaster noises*
Level 70
Apr 3, 2018
Kind of thought that the Vatican was included in Italy.
Level 78
Aug 8, 2018
Nope, it's considered its own sovereign entity.
Level 70
Jun 30, 2018
Remarkable that several countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam - where the US waged war for years, where thousands of Americans have died, don't even crack the top 20. Really shows the political disconnect with the reality on the ground. But, ya know, gotta get your picture taken with the Pope!
Level 90
Aug 7, 2018
Well regularly sending the President of the United States into an active war zone probably isn't the best idea. Getting photos with soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan are worth way more political points than a photo with the Pope so I don't see your point. If it was as safe and simple to visit Afghanistan, Iraq etc. as it is to visit the Vatican, Presidents would travel there much more frequently.
Level 43
Aug 7, 2018
Got a 100% on this quiz but only got 4 points.
Level 82
Aug 8, 2018
Got all of them but
Level 88
Aug 8, 2018
Always wondered why Ireland wasn't on this list.
Level 70
Aug 9, 2018
It was on this list with 9 visits until a few days ago
Level 60
Oct 9, 2018
34 years after its release, I still can't think of the word "Panama" without hearing David Lee Roth's voice.
Level 19
Oct 9, 2018
Dang missed Brazil
Level 90
Oct 13, 2018
How did Belgium get here, but not Netherlands? Are they afraid of the World Court?
Level 70
Oct 13, 2018
See my answer which I gave Quizling
Level 38
Dec 14, 2018
I've just reached my lvl 41 with your quiz. :) btw I liked it!
Level 56
Apr 29, 2022
Looks like you stopped there
Level 72
Jul 1, 2024
and are rewinding
Level 81
Feb 26, 2019
You just stole my #9 spot on the list of top quiz makers! Damn you! haha jk congrats
Level 70
Feb 26, 2019
hehe, thanks mate!
Level 47
Mar 30, 2019
No visits to Sealand?
Level 81
Apr 5, 2019
do you mean SeaWorld?
Level 81
Aug 2, 2019
oh nevermind you're talking about that crazy guy who lives on an abandoned piece of metal in the ocean and declared sovereignty.
Level 56
Apr 29, 2022
Jeez he made a joke lighten up
Level 81
Jun 25, 2022
everyone got that and was keeping it light except for you.
Level 90
Aug 23, 2019
Also none to Zaqistan. It's a "real" micronation -
Level 45
Apr 5, 2019
Huh surprised that India isn’t on here. Where do they fall in comparison? Nice quiz btw! :)
Level 72
Aug 23, 2019
So happy Denmark is not getting a +1 now that Trump has cancelled his trip because he got mad a Woman told him he couldn't buy Greenland. I'm pretty sure that if he took an European countries quiz here, that he would be unable to even locate Denmark.
Level 61
Aug 24, 2019
I doubt our wise and sacred leader would be able to locate any of the European countries on a blank map.
Level 78
Aug 24, 2019
I'd have my doubts even if the map were fully labeled.
Level 43
Dec 4, 2019
He'd just draw them with sharpie and try to convince us that it is the actual map of the world.
Level 68
Aug 23, 2019
How the hell did I miss France?
Level 78
Aug 24, 2019
So, not a lot of trips to Africa, huh?
Level 81
Jul 1, 2020
Presidential trips to 3rd world countries don't make a lot of sense and are hard to justify given how expensive they are.
Level 72
Mar 3, 2020
Only missed philippines. Do wonder about the in and exclusion of some, like why is poland so high compared to other european countries. Would ve expected norway or the netherlands before poland.
Level 81
Jul 1, 2020
Poland has been America's most important diplomatic, military, and strategic partner in Eastern Europe since 1989 when Poland rejected Communism and then joined NATO the following year. Poland has had the USA's back through pretty much everything since then, even for Bush Jr's escapades in Iraq, and they remain one of the most vocal advocates for a US military presence in Europe. There are also historic cultural ties going back to America's founding, as there are quite a lot of Polish families in the US.
Level 51
Aug 7, 2020
Fascinating to see the differences between countries (which do have obvious reasons, of course). Just checked the Wikipedia page for Angela Merkel. Turns out she has been on a lot more official foreign trips than are on the list here, which is for all U.S. presidents combined. Even though the list for the U.S. presidents contains only the top 21 most visited countries, she might well be in the lead overall. She made 40 international trips in 2019 alone, which seems to have been quite a normal year for her.
Level 81
Aug 29, 2020
yeah but to make an "international" trip in Europe just means going outside and walking for 30 minutes in any random direction. The United States is a bit more isolated.
Level 51
Aug 30, 2020
That's what I meant by "obvious reason". Still, the comparison is *one* head of government vs. *all* heads of government combined.
Level 59
Jan 5, 2021
Walking for 30 minutes only puts me in someone's corn field.
Level 81
May 19, 2021
Wait a while. The Republic of Cornia and Haystackia will be declared before you have time to walk back.
Level 65
Oct 9, 2020
Got Israel with 5 seconds left whew, that was close!
Level 35
May 27, 2022
Only missed Panama
Level 30
Jun 9, 2022
Who counted this visits?
Level 81
Jun 26, 2022
The Pope-a-razzi
Level 81
Jun 26, 2022
oops... made this joke on the wrong page... I was just at the quiz for most visited countries by popes. This is the one for US presidents....

uh... the Prez-a-razzi? POTUS-scopus? No, those don't really work...

It's the State Department.

Level 63
Oct 24, 2022
An official visit by the president to another country is usually a big deal. I remember when Obama was in my city and the preperations were nuts. They even sealed the drains on the streets so no one would pop out of there, possibly with explosives or whatever.
Level 81
Dec 24, 2022
if an assassin popped unexpectedly out of the sewer I would expect them to be wielding nunchaku or katana blades, not explosives.
Level 28
Jul 24, 2022
Great quiz, thanks!
Level 56
Nov 25, 2022
Shouldn't west germany also be here according to the rules? 10 Visits
Level 67
Mar 7, 2023
Wow Vatican City but not Indonesia or India?
Level 49
Apr 12, 2023
missed egypt :(
Level 52
Jun 6, 2023
guessed Egypt with 5 seconds left on the clock!
Level 55
Jul 7, 2024
I just realized that there aren't five new featured quizzes every day...
Level 74
Jul 10, 2024
"Try to name ?that? THE countries that have received the most visits"
Level 51
Aug 15, 2024
Egypt, GRRR