
Name a Valid Answer - Geography

Guess any valid answer which fits each selected category.
Answer must correspond to the yellow box
Quiz by Gassu
Last updated: June 15, 2020
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First submittedSeptember 12, 2019
Times taken73,638
Average score70.0%
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Countries that are considered to be city-states
Monaco | Singapore | Vatican City
U.S. states that meet at the "Four Corners"
Arizona | Colorado | New Mexico | Utah
Regions of Oceania ending in "esia"
Melanesia | Micronesia | Polynesia
Official languages of Switzerland
French | German | Italian | Romansh
Countries of the Maghreb
Algeria | Libya | Mauritania | Morocco | Tunisia
South American countries which don't border Brazil
Chile | Ecuador
Capitals of South Africa
Bloemfontein | Cape Town | Pretoria
Great Lakes of North America
Erie | Huron | Michigan | Ontario | Superior
Köppen climate groups
tropical | dry | temperate | continental | polar
Five largest Indonesian islands
New Guinea | Borneo | Sumatra | Sulawesi | Java
Three territories of Canada
Northwest Territories | Nunavut | Yukon
Three longest river systems in Africa other than the Nile
Congo | Niger | Zambezi
Italian volcanos which have been active
in the last 100 years
Etna | Stromboli | Vesuvius
India's ten most populous cities, other than
Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata
Bangalore | Chennai | Hyderabad | Ahmedabad |
Pune | Surat | Jaipur
Six most populous urban areas located in deserts
Karachi | Cairo | Tehran | Lima | Baghdad | Riyadh
Seas and gulfs that border India
Andaman Sea | Arabian Sea | Bay of Bengal |
Laccadive Sea
Three largest Mexican cities on the U.S. border
Tijuana | Ciudad Juarez | Mexicali
French overseas possessions in the Americas
French Guiana | Guadeloupe | Martinique |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint Martin |
Saint Barthélemy | Clipperton Island
Capitals of the Nordic countries
Copenhagen | Helsinki | Oslo | Reykjavík | Stockholm
Four main islands of Japan
Honshu | Hokkaido | Kyushu | Shikoku
Level 73
Oct 17, 2019
I'd include San Marino in the city-states category.
Level 70
Oct 17, 2019
San Marino has multiple settlements. San Marino, Serravalle, Dogana etc. Thus, it isn't a city-state
Level 57
Jun 16, 2020
I think that misunderstands what a city state is. Singapore also has outlying areas. So did the ancient city states. San Marino is often (rightly) cited as the last of the old Italian city states.
Level 74
Jun 16, 2020
Singapore has outlying areas that belong to the same city. San Marinos has several cities. It was as city state, but it expanded several times in its history.
Level 75
Aug 13, 2020
I'm with Jon, San Marino is more of a city state than Vatican City or Monaco. To me, the term implies one larger settlement and surrounding areas with or without other settlements. San Marino and Singapore look pretty good for that, Vatican and Monaco are just little parts of a city.
Level 73
Apr 12, 2023
Yes, the country without the word "City" in its name is more of a city state than Vatican City
Level 75
Apr 14, 2023
By that logic North Korea is more democratic than the USA.

San Marino doesn't have a large urban centre, true, but it's got a much larger urban centre than Vatican "City".

The real question here is: "considered by whom?" In the Wikipedia article on city states San Marino is mentioned twice as an example both historically and nowadays. So if it's just "Considered by me to be a city state" that's pretty poor.

Level 63
Feb 26, 2020
add tshwane for pretoria
Level 57
Jun 16, 2020
Tshwane is the municipality, not the city - they are different. Although perhaps that is nit-picking!
Level 55
May 29, 2020
For those interested in brushing up on your geography, this channel might help.
Level 17
Aug 14, 2020
I watched that before i clicked the link XD
Level 42
Dec 28, 2020
yay i love that channel :)
Level 78
Jun 15, 2020
It says Mahreb not Maghreb
Level ∞
Jun 15, 2020
Okay, fixed
Level 60
Jun 15, 2020
Congrats on the feature! Nice quiz!
Level 69
Jun 15, 2020
⭐ Great Quiz! 100%!
Level 76
Jun 15, 2020
Nice quiz! Wanna do a harder one as well?
Level 89
Jun 16, 2020
A harder one would be nice indeed :)
Level 68
Jun 16, 2020
The original before featuring was a bit more difficult and more fun in my opinion. I feel it might even be too easy for what could've been a nicely balanced quiz. (I don't think that's Gassu's fault though since it was great before featuring)

As some evidence to that, the average before was 15/20 with a fairly nice curve and 18% getting 100%. Now the average is 17/20 and the curve is completely lopsided with 48% getting 100%.

Level 70
Jun 16, 2020
As this quiz got quite heavily updated and enriched with much easier questions, I'll aim for a second, harder version which will correspond to the common JetPunk user geography level, a thing originally intended by the quiz, resulting in it reaching the top of Nominations. Thanks for your understanding.
Level ∞
Jun 16, 2020
I'm confused. I just looked at the original quiz. It was much easier - except perhaps for the two geology questions which would have provoked whining.
Level 82
Aug 14, 2020
...and dining?
Level 86
Jun 15, 2020
Numerous style guides on the Internet say that information put in a parenthesis should be inessential to the meaning of the phrase in which that parenthesis appears. Thus, these style guides would imply that "other than the Nile" should not be wrapped in parenthesis.
Level ∞
Jun 16, 2020
Level 87
Jun 16, 2020
Vulcano and the Phlegrean Fields are other active volcanoes in Italy.
Level ∞
Jun 16, 2020
Changed the question slightly.
Level 87
Jun 16, 2020
Well I still don't agree. You should ask for eruptions, not just activity.
Level 59
Aug 12, 2020
Can you specify the Köppen climate question? I put in the abbreviations (i.e. Af, EF, BWh) and then gave up, before realizing that it was supposed to be tropical, dry, temperate, polar or continental.
Level 68
Aug 13, 2020
too american centric
Level 89
Aug 13, 2020
Not sure if you are trolling or making an actual criticism, but...with 6 questions out of 20 involving North and South America, it seems balanced to me.
Level 45
Aug 13, 2020
malta is city state
Level 69
Aug 13, 2020
Don't think it is....
Level 41
Aug 13, 2020
I don't think so. At least it didn't look like one, when I last visited it. :-)
Level 47
Aug 15, 2020
Not even close
Level 59
Aug 24, 2020
Not even close indeed. San Marino may be argued. I would be willing to discuss Bahrain and maybe even Kuwait, but that's about it. Malta is most deffinitely out of the question.
Level 53
Apr 12, 2023
Level 75
Apr 14, 2023
Several city states in the past have had empires - Athens, Venice for example. People here need to get away from the idea that city state = tiny.
Level 60
Aug 13, 2020
Wow, I never thought of my city Karachi as in the "desert", though technically it is. I think this is because the "desert" it is in does not have a name.
Level 20
Aug 13, 2020
Isn’t it in the Thar desert or is that on the Indian side?
Level 73
Nov 26, 2021
Yes, I'm pretty sure the Thar goes to Pakistan.
Level 74
Aug 13, 2020
Never heard of the Koppen climates but got lucky when my guess of arctic was accepted for polar.
Level 60
Aug 14, 2020
Me neither, and I randomly guessed dry. Yay
Level 67
Apr 14, 2023
Level 41
Aug 13, 2020
Does it accept "et" instead of "and" in Saint Pierre and Miquelon? I'm not sure, I might have made a typo and eventually rather continued... It just puzzles me :-)
Level 32
Aug 14, 2020
The answers like mine on my Quizes lol.
Level 55
Aug 16, 2020
Why isn't Lakshadweep accepted for seas bordering India?
Level 59
Dec 4, 2020
Because it isn't a sea. It's an archipelago.
Level 28
Jan 10, 2021
can you accept Sint Maartin for Saint Martin? It is the french spelling of the world and is widely used like Cote Diviore for Ivory Coast and Timor Leste for East Timor
Level 70
Mar 5, 2021
No, it's Saint-Martin in French too. You might be thinking of Sint Maarten which is the Dutch name of the island, as well as the generally accepted name for the Dutch territory on it. It'd be like accepting Ciudad Juarez for El Paso on a US cities quiz.
Level 32
Sep 25, 2021
Cairo isn't located "in" the Sahara desert. While Egypt is mostly desert, Cairo and actually all of Egypt's big cities are located around the Nile.
Level 59
Nov 27, 2021
its still a desert. not much rain
Level 47
Apr 12, 2023
The answers "Pune" and "Chennai" didn't work.
Level 62
Apr 12, 2023
I don't think French Guiana should be listed as an overseas possession. It's fully a integrated department of France.

Level 77
Apr 12, 2023
It's a possession, though, and also overseas.
Level 62
Apr 12, 2023
It's actually as much a part of France as Hawaii is of the US. So while American Samoa is a US overseas possession, Hawaii is not.
Level 65
Apr 12, 2023
France uses the term 'DOM-TOM" : Départements d'Outre-Mer & Territoires d'Outre-Mer" (overseas departments & overseas territories, departments being the main subdivision of the mainland roughly equivalent to a county).

So the overseas also included the overseas departments of Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion and Mayotte.

Level 61
Oct 24, 2024
One of te most frustrating things on Jetpunk is knowing an answer, misspelling it and dont notice it and think that you got a wrong answer and just not typing in it correctly