Countries that are considered to be city-states
Monaco | Singapore | Vatican City
U.S. states that meet at the "Four Corners"
Arizona | Colorado | New Mexico | Utah
Regions of Oceania ending in "esia"
Melanesia | Micronesia | Polynesia
Official languages of Switzerland
French | German | Italian | Romansh
Countries of the Maghreb
Algeria | Libya | Mauritania | Morocco | Tunisia
South American countries which don't border Brazil
Chile | Ecuador
Capitals of South Africa
Bloemfontein | Cape Town | Pretoria
Great Lakes of North America
Erie | Huron | Michigan | Ontario | Superior
Köppen climate groups
tropical | dry | temperate | continental | polar
Five largest Indonesian islands
New Guinea | Borneo | Sumatra | Sulawesi | Java
Three territories of Canada
Northwest Territories | Nunavut | Yukon
Three longest river systems in Africa other than the Nile
Congo | Niger | Zambezi
Italian volcanos which have been active in the last 100 years
Etna | Stromboli | Vesuvius
India's ten most populous cities, other than Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata
Bangalore | Chennai | Hyderabad | Ahmedabad | Pune | Surat | Jaipur
Six most populous urban areas located in deserts
Karachi | Cairo | Tehran | Lima | Baghdad | Riyadh
Seas and gulfs that border India
Andaman Sea | Arabian Sea | Bay of Bengal | Laccadive Sea
Three largest Mexican cities on the U.S. border
Tijuana | Ciudad Juarez | Mexicali
French overseas possessions in the Americas
French Guiana | Guadeloupe | Martinique | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint Martin | Saint Barthélemy | Clipperton Island
Capitals of the Nordic countries
Copenhagen | Helsinki | Oslo | Reykjavík | Stockholm
Four main islands of Japan
Honshu | Hokkaido | Kyushu | Shikoku
San Marino doesn't have a large urban centre, true, but it's got a much larger urban centre than Vatican "City".
The real question here is: "considered by whom?" In the Wikipedia article on city states San Marino is mentioned twice as an example both historically and nowadays. So if it's just "Considered by me to be a city state" that's pretty poor.
As some evidence to that, the average before was 15/20 with a fairly nice curve and 18% getting 100%. Now the average is 17/20 and the curve is completely lopsided with 48% getting 100%.
So the overseas also included the overseas departments of Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion and Mayotte.