
Name a Valid Answer - World War II

For each selected category, enter any valid answer which fits.
Answer must correspond to the yellow box
Quiz by Gassu
Last updated: October 25, 2019
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First submittedSeptember 12, 2019
Times taken45,284
Average score60.0%
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Major Axis powers
Germany | Japan | Italy
Battles with more than 1,000,000 deaths
Leningrad | Stalingrad | Berlin | Moscow
Major conferences of the "Big Three" Allied leaders
Tehran | Yalta | Potsdam
Battleships destroyed in the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Arizona | California | Maryland |
Nevada | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania |
Tennessee | West Virginia
European countries neutral and uninvaded
throughout the war
Ireland | Liechtenstein | Portugal | Spain |
Sweden | Switzerland | Vatican City
Countries invaded or absorbed by Germany before 1939
Austria | Czechoslovakia (parts)
Ghettos with more than 100,000 interned Jews
Warsaw | Łódź | Budapest | Lviv | Minsk
D-Day beaches
Gold | Juno | Omaha | Sword | Utah
Modern-day countries that were the site
of an Italian colony in 1939
China | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Libya | Somalia
Large German cities (> 500k) that got > 50% destroyed
Cologne | Düsseldorf | Dortmund |
Dresden | Frankfurt | Hamburg
Largest modern-day cities occupied by Germany
(excl. present-day Germany)
Paris | Kyiv | Amsterdam | Warsaw | Copenhagen
Largest modern-day cities occupied by Japan
(excl. present-day Japan)
Guangzhou | Shanghai | Jakarta | Manila | Seoul
Notable Nazis captured in South America after the war
Klaus Barbie | Adolph Eichmann | others ...
Neutral countries invaded by the Allies
Iceland | Iran
One of Churchill's books in the series
"The Second World War"
The Gathering Storm | Their Finest Hour |
The Grand Alliance | The Hinge of Fate |
Closing the Ring | Triumph and Tragedy
Churchill said "we will fight on the beaches".
Where else will we fight?
France | seas | oceans | air |
landing grounds | fields | streets | hills
5-star U.S. army generals
Hap Arnold | Dwight Eisenhower |
Douglas MacArthur | George Marshall
Pacific theater battles with at least 25,000 U.S. casualties
Okinawa | Iwo Jima | Luzon
Most-produced U.S. or British planes
Spitfire | B-24 Liberator | P-47 Thunderbolt |
P-51 Mustang | Hawker Hurricane
Code names of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
Little Boy | Fat Man
Level 66
Sep 12, 2019
Great Quiz!
Level 36
Sep 13, 2019
^ ++++1
Level 77
Sep 13, 2019
Paris is bigger than Copenhagen and Prague and Amsterdam etc. Paris was not part of Vichy controlled France, it was Nazi Occupied.
Level ∞
Oct 16, 2019
This has been amended.
Level 73
Oct 16, 2019
Interesting. I hadn't a clue on the ships that were sunk in Pearl

Harbour, I knew the Yorktown was there and she survived.

Level 56
Dec 2, 2019
Actually, Yorktown and the other US aircraft carriers were absent on December 7.
Level 86
Oct 16, 2019
According to the table at, other German cities that were more than 50% destroyed include: Bochum, Bremen, Dessau, Hagen, Hanover, Kassel, Mainz, Mannheim, Nuremberg, and Stettin.
Level ∞
Oct 17, 2019
I'll let @Gassu address this if he wants to.
Level 70
Oct 18, 2019
You're absolutely right, cpgatbyu! I forgot to add an important detail. Should be fixed soon.
Level 77
Sep 13, 2021
Not sure if or how the quiz was updated since then, but most if not all of these cities did not have more than 500k population during WW2. Nuremberg, Bremen or Bochum could have, but I don't know with certainty. However, I am very surprised to see that Berlin was less than 50% destroyed. The table on Wikipedia lists only damage from air raids, however there was also massive ground fighting and artillery shelling in Berlin, unlike in most other German cities. But again, I don't know the acutal numbers there, it just surprised me.
Level 75
Oct 17, 2019
Alliance does not work as in "The Grand Alliance"
Level ∞
Oct 17, 2019
Level 75
Oct 17, 2019
Also, clarify that you mean the First Edition of "The Second World War". I've listened to the condensed Four edition series, and there is also a twelve edition series.
Level ∞
Oct 17, 2019
There is no need for a clarification.
Level 72
Oct 17, 2019
multiple editions of WWII ? Let's hope not!
Level 81
Oct 17, 2019
Kept thinking that I must have typed in the B-17 wrong... but apparently not a right answer. Finally got that one with 4 seconds remaining by switching my answer to Spitfire.
Level 88
Oct 17, 2019
In Churchill's speech he specifically mentions fighting "in France" and "on the seas and oceans." Can you add that?
Level 70
Oct 18, 2019
Thanks, I've added France, seas, oceans and air
Level 82
Oct 25, 2019
Countries invaded or absorbed by German before 1939 should be Countries invaded or absorbed by GermanY before 1939
Level ∞
Oct 25, 2019
Okay, fixed
Level 49
Dec 2, 2019
Just the Last Name "Eichmann" was not accepted. Only accepted in combination with First Name?
Level 91
Dec 2, 2019
No. I typed in Eichman and it worked just fine.
Level ∞
Dec 2, 2019
Thanks, I tested it as well and it works.
Level 80
Dec 2, 2019
Didn't know the Pearl Harbor battleships were name after U.S. states! I kept trying names of former presidents and words like 'Victory', 'Courage', 'Pacific' etc.
Level 77
Dec 20, 2023
Haha, that's what I also tried. Constitution, Liberty, Independence, Perseverance, the usual American stuff :P
Level 46
Dec 2, 2019
we will fight them on the beaches

goddamn i love these peaches

Level 80
Apr 20, 2020
That's all I could think about!
Level 71
Dec 2, 2019
That was an amazing and well researched quiz!
Level 70
Dec 2, 2019
Very interesting quiz - the version of history that we are taught does not often mention neutral countries invaded by the Allies!
Level 78
Dec 2, 2019
Biased as usual, eastern front didn't exist. Strangely all over million deaths battles happened there but apart from this nothing really worth being asked
Level 82
Dec 3, 2019
How about doing a quiz of your own?
Level 67
Jun 12, 2024
75% of the second question relates to the eastern front. not enough?
Level 87
Dec 2, 2019
Weren't the Baltic countries considered neutral and invaded by Russia?
Level 69
Dec 2, 2019
Can't speak for the quizmaker, but I presume that the USSR is only counted among the allies after the German invasion in June 1941. After all, the Soviet occupation of the Baltic countries was tied to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between Stalin and Hitler - they weren't allying against Germany at all yet.
Level 69
Dec 2, 2019
Did over 1 million people die during the Battle of Berlin? Or did you include casualties of the Vistula-Oder Offensive? Wikipedia doesn't seem to back up such a high number of casualties, even if you believe the improbably high number of German military dead according to Soviet sources.
Level 37
Dec 2, 2019
An excellent quiz. While I hate to "split hairs" I must bring to your attention that it is misleading to say that all eight Battleships at Pearl Harbor were "destroyed." Only the Arizona and Oklahoma were destroyed, in the sense of being permanent losses. Pennsylvania actually was spared the worst of the attack thanks to being in drydock, and Maryland and Tennessee escaped with relatively minor damage because The West Virginia and Oklahoma protected them from torpedo strikes. While it is true California and West Virginia were sunk and the Nevada beached, all three eventually returned to service.

Personally, I think a more accurate world would be "present" in the attack, but ultimately is up to you. Looking forward to more WWII quizzes :)

Level 58
Dec 3, 2019
Please accept "the air", etc., for Churchill's speech.
Level 66
Jan 7, 2021
Typed "Fat boy" fpr last one...
Level 66
Aug 7, 2024
then you would have been wrong
Level 73
Mar 3, 2022
maryland wasn't destroyed in pearl harbor
Level 55
Jan 30, 2023
didn't the USSR invade finland or was finland not neutral?
Level 56
Apr 24, 2023
Can you allow "Ike" for Dwight Eisenhower?
Level 49
May 2, 2023
Why would Hong Kong not be accepted as a largest city invaded by Japan but Manila is?
Level 67
Aug 27, 2024
Manila is bigger than Hong Kong
Level 56
Mar 5, 2024
Josef Mengele should be included in the Nazis in South America answers
Level 58
Jun 27, 2024
He was never caught
Level 67
Aug 27, 2024
I'm from Lodz and didn't get the ghetto one, tried spelling Litzmannstadt a couple times. Maybe you should accept it?