Major Axis powers
Germany | Japan | Italy
Battles with more than 1,000,000 deaths
Leningrad | Stalingrad | Berlin | Moscow
Major conferences of the "Big Three" Allied leaders
Tehran | Yalta | Potsdam
Battleships destroyed in the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Arizona | California | Maryland | Nevada | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | Tennessee | West Virginia
European countries neutral and uninvaded throughout the war
Ireland | Liechtenstein | Portugal | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Vatican City
Countries invaded or absorbed by Germany before 1939
Austria | Czechoslovakia (parts)
Ghettos with more than 100,000 interned Jews
Warsaw | Łódź | Budapest | Lviv | Minsk
D-Day beaches
Gold | Juno | Omaha | Sword | Utah
Modern-day countries that were the site of an Italian colony in 1939
China | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Libya | Somalia
Large German cities (> 500k) that got > 50% destroyed
Cologne | Düsseldorf | Dortmund | Dresden | Frankfurt | Hamburg
Largest modern-day cities occupied by Germany (excl. present-day Germany)
Paris | Kyiv | Amsterdam | Warsaw | Copenhagen
Largest modern-day cities occupied by Japan (excl. present-day Japan)
Guangzhou | Shanghai | Jakarta | Manila | Seoul
Notable Nazis captured in South America after the war
Klaus Barbie | Adolph Eichmann | others ...
Neutral countries invaded by the Allies
Iceland | Iran
One of Churchill's books in the series "The Second World War"
The Gathering Storm | Their Finest Hour | The Grand Alliance | The Hinge of Fate | Closing the Ring | Triumph and Tragedy
Churchill said "we will fight on the beaches". Where else will we fight?
France | seas | oceans | air | landing grounds | fields | streets | hills
5-star U.S. army generals
Hap Arnold | Dwight Eisenhower | Douglas MacArthur | George Marshall
Pacific theater battles with at least 25,000 U.S. casualties
Okinawa | Iwo Jima | Luzon
Most-produced U.S. or British planes
Spitfire | B-24 Liberator | P-47 Thunderbolt | P-51 Mustang | Hawker Hurricane
Code names of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
Little Boy | Fat Man
Harbour, I knew the Yorktown was there and she survived.
goddamn i love these peaches
Personally, I think a more accurate world would be "present" in the attack, but ultimately is up to you. Looking forward to more WWII quizzes :)