
Non-Stop Flights to New Zealand

Name the cities that have non-stop, international flights to one of New Zealand's airports.
As of 2023
Includes seasonal flights, but not cargo flights
Includes cities in "countries" that are in free association with New Zealand
Quiz by Gassu
Last updated: April 16, 2023
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First submittedSeptember 19, 2018
Times taken41,044
Average score66.7%
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Alofi (Niue)
Beijing - Capital
Chicago - O'Hare
Dallas - Fort Worth
Denpasar (Bali)
Gold Coast
Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur
Los Angeles
New York - JFK
Norfolk Island
Port Vila
San Francisco
Sunshine Coast
Taipei - Taoyuan
Tokyo - Narita
Level 76
Sep 19, 2018
Wonderful! Please note that New Zealanders do not consider Niue or Cook Islands to be a part of New Zealand, especially as we fly to those places from the international terminal at Auckland, have to clear customs at each end, and our credit card statements add onto our Cook Island and Niue spending the overseas surcharge mandatory with any overseas spending! We Kiwis cannot live or work, as of right, there either.
Level 70
Sep 19, 2018
That‘s true, but can you imagine how huge complaining would be if I‘d store them under "countries" without giving any hint? As long as they‘re not considered JetPunk countries, I‘ll regard them as mostly independent (dependent on foreign affairs and defence by NZ) but giving appropriate hints
Level 76
Sep 20, 2018
Tricky. I don't like them called "countries" as they clearly aren't fully independent countries. Like New Zealand conducts their diplomatic relations and the citizens of these two are citizens of New Zealand as well. It's simplest to have them listed under the countries listing, but maybe call them islands, territories, areas, or something alike in the disclaimer?
Level 76
Sep 20, 2018
Cook Islands have formal diplomatic relations with 43 countries, including New Zealand. There is a NZ embassy in Rarotonga, and a Cook Islands embassy in Auckland (strictly speaking, the term for embassies between Commonweath countries is "high commission", but the functions are identical). Other counties that recognise Cook Islands diplomatically include Australia, Japan, India, China, France, Germany and every country in Oceania. (Even the US has consular relations). The full list is here.
Level 88
Sep 19, 2018
So you don't have the right to work in those places? That explains why huge numbers of Kiwis are not flocking to Rarotonga or Niue for work! :)
Level 77
Nov 10, 2018
That's interesting, Jerry - I didn't know any of that. Still, for this quiz, I didn't guess them because I didn't think they'd qualify.
Level 78
Sep 20, 2018
Great! I suggest changing to 'zoomable circles' so they don't become too big when zooming in
Level 70
Sep 20, 2018
Fixed this along many other minor faults. There were so many that I uploaded this map at least 15 times, always with an error in it. Should be all fine by now.
Level 74
Nov 10, 2018
I salute you for all your work on this. I didn't do well, but it was a great learning experience.
Level 82
Sep 20, 2018
non-stop from Chicago sounds brutal
Level 70
Nov 10, 2018
So does Singapore to New Jersey (the longest flight in the world at the moment)
Level 81
Nov 10, 2018
I did the 15-16 hour flight from Atlanta to Seoul before. I was ready to give up state secrets by the end of that one.
Level 72
Mar 24, 2020
Longest I did was Amsterdam Kualu lumpur. I remember 15-16 hours, but good chance that number was total flight (kuala lumpur was not the final destination)
Level 84
Apr 16, 2023
Nah, the AMS-KUL leg lasts like 12 hrs, the flight most likely was heading towards Jakarta because KLM stops in Kuala Lumpur before heading on to Indonesia. When I flew from Kuala Lumpur to Amsterdam, the plane had flown in from Jakarta earlier.
Level 80
Aug 2, 2023
I believe the longest I've flown was Shanghai to London (direct)
Level 69
Jun 2, 2021
New York to Manila was a pain. (Hint: We didn't go over the Pacific.)
Level 68
Nov 10, 2018
Dang, I think of every town on Sunshine Coast, but not Sunshine Coast!
Level 81
Apr 18, 2023
These days the Sunshine Coast doesn't really have 'towns' as such, it's one contiguous urban area from Pelican Waters to Noosa. All of it (bar Noosa) is under a single local government - Sunshine Coast Council - and it is broadly considered to be a city of about 400,000 people (though the Council officially presides over the Sunshine Coast Region, unlike the Brisbane and Gold Coast Councils which each preside over an official City). At any rate, the increasingly unitary identity of the Sunshine Coast, with the various towns merging into one another, led to the airport being renamed from Maroochydore-Sunshine Coast to simply Sunshine Coast in 2010.
Level 89
Apr 26, 2023
I knew it had "sun" and "coast" in the name but I couldn't quite get there.
Level 81
Nov 10, 2018
So... flights from New Zealand to New Zealand?
Level 51
Nov 10, 2018
Should Canberra not be included also? I'm pretty sure you can fly non-stop from Canberra to Wellington year round.
Level 70
Nov 10, 2018
Neither Canberra Airport nor Wellington Airport list connections to each other
Level 78
Nov 10, 2018
There was a Wellington to Canberra service but it was withdrawn.
Level 25
Dec 29, 2020
There was a WLG to CBR service for a while, operated by Singapore Airlines; the flight continued to Singapore from there. But due to lack of passenger demand the WLG - CBR - SIN route was replaced with the WLG - Melbourne - SIN route, and the Canberra route operated via Sydney. So, no, there are no direct flight between Canberra and New Zealand.
Level 68
Nov 10, 2018
Doesn't adding a map to this quiz defeat its purpose. If you didn't know some cities, you could just look at the map. I got many just by looking at a map, and some I never would have thought of.
Level 44
Nov 11, 2018
agreed. I did my best to avoid looking until I had worn out my memory
Level 74
Nov 11, 2018
Great quiz!
Level 46
Nov 11, 2018
Such a great quiz, thanks for this
Level 44
Nov 15, 2018
Ah, man. I didn't realize I was supposed to enter both cities and countries so I missed literally every single country.
Level 62
Apr 30, 2023
You don't need to anymore :)
Level 75
Sep 17, 2019
Please accept Kingston for Norfolk Island. Its the capital
Level 80
Jul 23, 2020
Please accept Norfolk for Norfolk Island.
Level 83
Aug 15, 2022
Seconded. I quit when it wasn’t accepted.
Level 49
Jan 9, 2021
I forgot to name countries in my first attempt 😶
Level 73
Jul 2, 2021
Only missed the capital of Niue as an NZer. Great quiz!
Level 59
Feb 4, 2022
This is fun, would like to see more of these types of quizzes! Missed a few Chinese cities, as well as some of the islands as well.
Level 77
Feb 15, 2023
caveats say that the kind-of-countries are in pink or light blue but i can't see that anywhere? does it mean on the map they're coloured that? because the islands are so small and covered by city dots that you really can't tell even when you're looking for it
Level 47
Apr 13, 2023
maybe an update post-covid would be welcome. There mostly still operating, but routes such as most of the Chinese cities like Beijing, as well as Manila and Bueonos Aires etc are no longer operational. Plus new, post-pandemic additions such as New York. Still a great quiz though
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2023
Good suggestion. I've been aching to update our travel quizzes but I feel like 2023 is the first untainted year. I made a note to take a look at this one in a few weeks.
Level 70
Apr 13, 2023
Alright, I'll have a look soon
Level ∞
Apr 16, 2023
Level 85
Apr 16, 2023
Could maybe change the order of the dots (layer-wise) so that Sunshine Coast is visible without zooming after getting Brisbane and Gold Coast? I didn't realise there was still one there to get.
Level 70
Apr 16, 2023
Okay, I have moved Brisbane below Sunshine Coast to improve visibility.
Level 79
Apr 16, 2023
They are out of order. Sunshine Coast should be north of Brisbane. North to south, it should be Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, and Gold Coast.
Level 70
Apr 16, 2023
D'oh! Changes are now submitted.
Level 89
Apr 30, 2023
Why Rarotonga (island) and not Avarua (city/capital)?

Compare and contrast with Alofi and Denpasar!

Level 70
Apr 30, 2023
Because the airport's name is Rarotonga International Airport and its IATA code is RAR
Level 89
Apr 30, 2023
Your quiz asks for the name of the cities, not the name of the airports.

Many of the other answers on this quiz would be different otherwise.

Level 70
Apr 30, 2023
The City of Avarua works as a type-in
Level 54
May 3, 2023
38/39. Missed Honolulu because I typed Honalulu instead :\

Great quiz overall!

Level 78
Dec 19, 2023
Great quiz!

The Beijing dot seems to be too far from the sea, at least compared to the World Capitals by Map