Would it be possible to change "alchemists discover" to "alchemists create," or something similar, though? I spent ages trying as many toxic elements, minerals, etc. as I could remember, on the basis that it was a naturally occurring substance.
OK, as long as you're fixing misspellings ... elixir! And I agree with the comment that the clue should read "invent this mortality-causing substance".
Mortality causing is not the first thing you think of in the Chinese clue, you think of something poisonous. It's what the substance is used with that causes death. Either way, it's a confusing clue-I tried all sorts of toxins and still got nothing.
Harald Blåtand (in danish) doesn't work for Harald Bluetooth... Since the answer is the man and not the wireless technology, shouldn't his real name be accepted?
The sagas discuss Ingolfur "discovering" Iceland as well as the Heimskringla and other contemporary documents. In addition, Ingolfur home has been dug up by archeologists. The sagas and other sources also discuss prior visitors and inhabitants to Iceland--Irish monks on the SE coast, Portuguese fisherman. I don't the Sagas comment is true or necessary.
Would it be possible to change "alchemists discover" to "alchemists create," or something similar, though? I spent ages trying as many toxic elements, minerals, etc. as I could remember, on the basis that it was a naturally occurring substance.
poor Greenland...