I've never noticed Oregon's flag has a beaver on the reverse, but that's pretty awesome. I kept thinking it was California or some other state that has written text on it, since the text would have to be written the opposite way on the reverse or it would be backward.
Got the Reagan question by chatting on minecraft (someone asked "when was the last time a president won by 70% or more of the vote? Reagan, right? Nope, but he did win every state except Minnesota. It was Monroe back in the 1800s"
It is a one chamber legislature. In this case, instead of having a state house and a state senate, Nebraska just has the Nebraska Legislature and its members are called senators and it is the supreme legislative body of the state. So, this one body creates legislation that may become law for the state. All other states in the U.S. have two legislative bodies.
So proud to have gotten Montana, Nebraska and Oregon. I got Oregon, because it's also referred to as the Beaver State and the backside depicts a beaver, therefore I memorised that. But now that you say it, I do remember also hearing that in "Fun With Flags". I got Montana because of the book "The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet".
If you're American, you may know the "Six Flags" theme parks. The original is called "Six Flags Over Texas," and is a reference to the six countries that controlled Texas.