Brilliant; world peace would probably break out if these countries weaved these lines into their national anthems. (Title tweak suggestion: What These Countries Haven't Said But Damn Well Should)
Our relationship with our neighbour, the UK are unproblemativally doesn't make sense grammatically or at all - it's Northern Ireland that has had some troubles and that is a different country to Ireland. Northern Ireland is PART of the UK and is not our neighbour! Or at least part of GB. You can't refer to 'Northern Ireland' as 'Ireland'.
The Irish (Rep. of Ireland) don‘t like the British mainly due to British suppression in the past, which eventually led to the Troubles. Their relations have never been unproblematically, I mean Michael Higgins was the first Irish president to visit the U.K. and that was four years ago! It‘s obvious that N. Ireland is part of the U.K. but the Republic of Ireland and the U.K. have special, sometimes problematic relations.
No English-speaking nation would say "Our relations with our neighbor, the U.K., are unproblematically". For Ireland to be the correct answer, the statement would have to be, "Our relations with our neighbor, the U.K., are unproblematic." Therefore, I submit that the correct answer to this question is Spain.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but while I agree that as it is any English-speaking nation should work since they would never say said statement, Spain isn't an English-speaking nation.
He meant that although Ireland has problematic relations with the UK, they would never say that the relations are “unproblematically” if they misspoke because it is grammatically incorrect in English and they are a native-English-speaking country. Spain, on the other hand, which is a neighbor of UK (in Gibraltar) and has a problematic relationship with them, might say “unproblematically” if they misspoke because they don’t speak English well, hence Spain should be the right answer ;-).
Amazing quiz that should absolutely get featured, but also there is a grammatical error in one of the questions: "unproblematically" should be "unproblematic".
We boast about it.
We revel in it.
Great quiz