Question | Answer | % Correct |
How many paintings did Van Gogh sell while he was alive? | 1 | 95%
What is the only vitamin not found in an egg? | Vitamin C | 92%
Gene Wilder, Johnny Depp, and Timothee Chamalet all play which Roald Dahl character? | Willy Wonka | 82%
Which building in New York are you visiting if the zip code is 10118? | Empire State Building | 68%
Rounded to the nearest full minute, how long does it take for the light from the sun to reach the Earth? | 8 minutes | 67%
What is the only animal that can fly backwards? | Hummingbird | 67%
What is the only food that - if stored correctly - generally doesn't spoil? | Honey | 62%
Where was Titanic built? | Belfast | 59%
What is the smallest ocean? | The Arctic Ocean | 57%
Live shooting of what animal was once (and only once) an Olympic event? | Pigeon | 37%
Which long-running reality series is hosted by Jeff Probst? | Survivor | 31%
What is a duel of three people called? | A truel | 23%
Where can you find the hill that has the longest name of any place in the world (92 letters)? | New Zealand | 19%
Which company is largely accused of starting the opioid epidemic in the USA? | Purdue Pharma | 7%
Name one of the three things a group of frogs is called. | An army, a colony, or a congregation | 3%
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