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Where are you most likely going if you land at Charles de Gaulle airport?
How many companions are in the Fellowship of the Ring?
What is the longest railway in the world?
Trans-Siberian railway
Name the missing person in this family: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and...?
Approximately how many kilometers is 10 miles?
What area comprises of 27 European countries that have officially abolished all passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders?
Schengen Area
How high is the highest official high-diving platform in competitions?
27 meters
According to a song, DO is a female deer and RE is a drop of golden sun. What is MI?
A name I call myself
What fashion trend originated with Anne of Brittany in 1499 and was popularized by Queen Victoria in 1840?
White wedding dress
What is the nickname for the USA presidential state car?
The Beast
What is the biggest cosmetics brand in the world?
Who is the Roman equivalent for Zeus?
What are Pidgey, Rattata, Ekans, and Jigglypuff?
Where would you find the highest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus Mons?
What have you done if someone responses "gesundheit"?