Definition | First Letter | Word | % Correct |
A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered period with conventional start and end dates. | C | Century | 96%
A pigmented spot on the skin, a naevus, slightly raised, and sometimes hairy. | M | Mole | 96%
Wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions. | R | Rich | 96%
To make (the head, skin etc.) bald or (the hair) shorter by using a tool such as a razor or electric clippers to cut the hair close to the skin. | S | Shave | 96%
To pick; to select. | C | Choose | 94%
Spectacles, frames bearing two lenses worn in front of the eyes. | G | Glasses | 94%
A very portable, short firearm, for hand use, which fires bullets or projectiles. | G | Gun | 94%
To depart; to separate from. | L | Leave | 94%
Last; ultimate. | F | Final | 92%
To prohibit; to interdict; to proscribe; to forbid or block from participation. | B | Ban | 90%
Any of very many animals (either hermaphroditic or nonhermaphroditic), of the class Gastropoda, having a coiled shell. | S | Snail | 90%
The subatomic particle having a negative charge and orbiting the nucleus. | E | Electron | 86%
An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures. | C | Camp | 84%
A conveyance; a device for carrying or transporting substances, objects or individuals. | V | Vehicle | 84%
The state of moving quickly or the capacity for rapid motion. | S | Speed | 80%
Contained by. | I | In | 78%
To rend (a solid material) by holding or restraining in two places and pulling apart, whether intentionally or not; to destroy or separate. | T | Tear | 74%
The end of a river out of which water flows into a sea or other large body of water. | M | Mouth | 72%
To glide along without adding energy. | C | Coast | 58%
A commendation or endorsement. | R | Recommendation | 42%
To cause to revolve by turning over and over; to move by turning on an axis; to impel forward by causing to turn over and over on a supporting surface. | R | Roll | 40%
The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge. | B | Brink | 36%
A lack or deficiency; an insufficient amount. | S | Shortage | 34%
Connection or association. | R | Relationship | 30%
(military) An area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which it is responsible. | S | Sector | 28%
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