Definition | First Letter | Word | % Correct |
A line of objects, often regularly spaced, such as seats in a theatre, vegetable plants in a garden etc. | R | Row | 98%
To pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty. | D | Drag | 93%
A sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative. | Q | Question | 93%
To drink slowly, small mouthfuls at a time. | S | Sip | 93%
The act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty, or actions so associated. | E | Execution | 91%
(astronomy) Any of the collections of many millions or billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc. existing as independent and coherent systems, of which there are billions in the known universe. | G | Galaxy | 91%
One who or that which extinguishes a life or lives. | K | Killer | 91%
Any disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather, especially one affecting the earth's surface involving strong winds (leading to high waves at sea) and usually lightning, thunder, and precipitation; a tempest. | S | Storm | 91%
(biology) A range; A place where a species naturally occurs. | H | Habitat | 88%
A small, simple one-story dwelling or shelter, often with just one room, and generally built of readily available local materials. | H | Hut | 88%
Not fixed in place tightly or firmly. | L | Loose | 88%
A small quantity of liquid, just large enough to hold its own round shape through surface tension, especially one that falls from a source of liquid. | D | Drop | 84%
Free from guilt, sin, or immorality. | I | Innocent | 84%
To get into one's hands, possession, or control, with or without force. | T | Take | 81%
An early version of a written work (such as a book or e-mail) or drawing. | D | Draft | 79%
(military) A prolonged military assault or a blockade of a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by force or attrition. | S | Siege | 79%
To puncture; to break through. | P | Pierce | 65%
Something of value given in return for an act. | R | Reward | 65%
Prohibited; not permitted by the body of binding rules and regulations, customs, and standards established in a community by its legislative and judicial authorities. | U | Unlawful | 51%
A seeking of information by asking questions; interrogation; a question or questioning. | I | Inquiry | 44%
A person employed to examine critically or carefully; especially, to search out problems or determine condition. | I | Inspector | 44%
Ignorable; of little significance or value. | T | Trivial | 42%
The allocation of a job or a set of tasks. | A | Assignment | 37%
A solid, more or less rigid object of metal or wood with a uniform cross-section smaller than its length. | B | Bar | 35%
(law) Basis or justification for something. | G | Grounds | 33%
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