Definition | First Letter | Word | % Correct |
An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution. | S | School | 100%
An organ in the body that filters the blood, producing urine. | K | Kidney | 94%
A movable covering for a window to keep out light, made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass. | B | Blind | 90%
The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft and thick. | F | Fur | 90%
An artist’s or photographer’s workshop or the room in which an artist works. | S | Studio | 90%
Without fault or mistake; without flaw, of supreme quality. | P | Perfect | 87%
Not accompanied by anything else; one in number. | S | Single | 84%
To express approval (of something) by clapping the hands. | A | Applaud | 83%
Covered with or containing unpleasant substances such as dirt or grime. | D | Dirty | 83%
To speak in order for someone to write down the words. | D | Dictate | 79%
To ascend; rise; to go up. | C | Climb | 78%
An annuity paid regularly as benefit due to a retired employee, serviceman etc. in consideration of past services, originally and chiefly by a government but also by various private […] schemes | P | Pension | 78%
Conforming to the actual state of reality or fact; factually correct. | T | True | 78%
A plant, especially a cereal, grown to be harvested as food, livestock fodder, or fuel or for any other economic purpose. | C | Crop | 75%
The distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region, social group, etc., whether of a native speaker or a foreign speaker; the phonetic and phonological aspects of a dialect. | A | Accent | 73%
To twist one's body to and fro with short, writhing motions; to squirm. | W | Wriggle | 73%
A leader or head of a group of people, organisation, etc. | C | Chief | 68%
A woolly ruminant of the genus Ovis. | S | Sheep | 65%
A challenge, trial. | T | Test | 62%
An assertion that two expressions are equal, expressed by writing the two expressions separated by an equal sign; from which one is to determine a particular quantity. | E | Equation | 57%
Relatively unchanging, steady, permanent; firmly fixed or established; consistent; not easily moved, altered, or destroyed. | S | Stable | 48%
The process of growing into a heap or a large amount. | A | Accumulation | 41%
That which is believed; accepted doctrine, especially religious doctrine; a particular set of beliefs; any summary of principles or opinions professed or adhered to. | C | Creed | 33%
A self-propelled railway vehicle for passengers, similar to a bus. | R | Railcar | 33%
To move haphazardly without any destination. | D | Drift | 22%
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