Definition | First Letter | Word | % Correct |
To wish for or desire (something); to feel a need or desire for; to crave or demand. | W | Want | 94%
A person who produces musical or harmonious sounds with their voice. | S | Singer | 93%
Of considerable or relatively great size or extent. | L | Large | 91%
Influenza. | F | Flu | 90%
Riches; a great amount of valuable assets or material possessions. | W | Wealth | 88%
The result of launching a projectile or bullet. | S | Shot | 86%
To clean (a surface) by means of a stroking motion of a broom or brush. | S | Sweep | 83%
Literary type using invented or imaginative writing, instead of real facts, usually written as prose. | F | Fiction | 80%
The aggregate of past events. | H | History | 80%
A trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians. | P | Path | 79%
To make contact (with) while in proximity. | M | Meet | 77%
Something brought in from an exterior source, especially for sale or trade. | I | Import | 76%
A brief piece of writing intended to assist the memory; a memorandum; a minute. | N | Note | 75%
A small river; a large creek; a body of moving water confined by banks. | S | Stream | 75%
To guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection. | L | Lead | 74%
A mass of things heaped together; a heap. | P | Pile | 74%
A spherically contained volume of air or other gas, especially one made from soapy liquid. | B | Bubble | 73%
A deficiency or need (of something desirable or necessary); an absence, want. | L | Lack | 70%
A restriction; a bound beyond which one may not go. | L | Limit | 70%
To gradually melt, dissolve, or become fluid; to soften from frozen. | T | Thaw | 65%
A line or bar associated with a drawing, used to indicate measurement when the image has been magnified or reduced. | S | Scale | 64%
To arrange in working order. | O | Organize | 54%
Self-generated; happening without any apparent external cause. | S | Spontaneous | 30%
A state of being protected, asylum. | S | Sanctuary | 28%
A special event or function. | O | Occasion | 25%