Hint | Answer | % Correct |
A device that uses electric shocks to restore normal heartbeat. | Defibrillator | 97%
A measure of body fat based on height and weight. | BMI | 93%
High blood pressure. | Hypertension | 93%
The outer layer of the skin. | Epidermis | 91%
Not cancerous. | Benign | 90%
Delivered via a vein. | Intravenous | 88%
Stitches used to hold tissues together as they heal. | Sutures | 88%
The removal of a tissue sample or cells for examination and diagnosis. | Biopsy | 86%
Broken bone or cartilage. | Fracture | 85%
The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms. | Diagnosis | 83%
Containing cancerous cells. | Malignant | 83%
The post-recovery return of symptoms or disease. | Relapse | 83%
Beginning abruptly, but of short duration. | Acute | 81%
The predicated outcome of disease progression and treatment. | Prognosis | 80%
A substance that stimulates antibody production to provide immunity against disease. | Vaccine | 80%
A tender, fluid-filled pocket that forms in tissue, usually due to infection. | Abscess | 78%
A cut or scrape, typically not serious. | Abrasion | 76%
A drug that prevents nausea and vomiting. | Antiemetic | 74%
A bruise. | Contusion | 74%
Recurring or persistent. | Chronic | 73%
Of, relating to, or near the armpit. | Axillary | 71%
Swelling caused by fluid accumulation. | Edema (Oedema) | 69%
An arterial blockage, often caused by a blood clot. | Embolism | 69%
Fainting or loss of consciousness caused by a temporary shortage of oxygen in the brain. | Syncope | 63%
A band of scar-like tissue that forms between two surfaces inside the body, connecting tissues or organs which are not normally connected. | Adhesion | 58%
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