Question | Answer | % Correct |
Which planet has a canyon more than four times as deep as the Grand Canyon? | Mars | 45%
The most valuable Star Wars action figure (a hand-painted, missile-firing figure of Boba Fett) recently sold at auction for … | US$ 525,000 | 41%
Which U.S. confectionery product has been continuously in production (except for a hiatus from 2018 to 2020) since it was first produced in 1847? | Necco Wafers | 36%
What would be hard to do relative to a structure that is kenspeckle? | Miss seeing it | 32%
Which part of the human eye receives oxygen directly from the air, rather than from blood supply (except during sleep)? | Cornea | 27%
The English word “robot” (in the sense of a mechanical being) is borrowed from which language? | Czech | 27%
The English language demonym for somebody from the U.S. insular territory of Guam is … | Guamanian | 27%
What are you likely to struggle with if you suffer from tokophobia ? | Pregnancy and childbirth | 27%
Which U.S. President hated his presidential portrait so much that he eventually burned it? | Theodore Roosevelt | 27%
In Georgia, it is a crime to … | engage in sex if you are unmarried | 23%
This land mammal has more teeth than any other. | Giant armadillo | 23%
The city of What Cheer is located in which U.S. state? | Iowa | 23%
Possum pie is a popular dish in which U.S. state? | Arkansas | 18%
feline : cat :: lumbricine : ? | earthworm | 18%
What is the success rate of missions to the planet Mars (excluding flybys)? | 18 of 40 | 14%
Which sovereign state has an island in a lake that is on an island that is in a lake that is on an island? | Philippines | 14%
The best-selling video game of 2024 was … | Hogwarts Legacy | 9%
Which is NOT the name of a discontinued General Mills cereal? | Star Trek Cereal | 9%
A group of martens is called … | a richesse | 5%
United Kingdom : Anglo- :: Kazakhstan : ? | Kazaco- | 0%
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