
Obscure Trivia #22

Select the correct answer from the choices provided … if you dare.

Some questions may be in this format:

A : B :: C : ?

This is known as an analogy. It is read as “A is to B as C is to what? So, the answer to the analogy “dog : canine :: cat : ?” is “feline.” Canine has the same relationship to dog as feline has to cat.

This is a challenging quiz, but I can almost guarantee you will learn something from it.

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Quiz by arjaygee
Last updated: September 4, 2024
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First submittedJune 28, 2024
Times taken12
Average score30.0%
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1. Massage parlors in Mesquite, Texas …
must close by midnight
must accept massage therapist licenses from elsewhere in Texas
must not open until 8 A.M.
must not be segregated by sex
2. canine : dog :: pavonine : ?
Source: Wiktionary
3. United Kingdom : Anglo- :: Libya : ?
Source: Wiktionary
4. Which is NOT the name of a discontinued Post cereal?
Beep Beep
Fruit & Wheat
Crispy Critters
Sour Patch Kids
Source: Wikipedia
5. The traditional recipe for loco moco (supposedly invented in Hilo, Hawaii in 1949) calls for what over a bed of rice?
A hamburger, a fried egg and brown gravy
Frankfurter slices, Fritos and sauerkraut
Chili, clams and pineapple chunks
Pineapple slices, poi and ube
Source: Love Food
6. A person from the island of Zanzibar is called a …
Source: Wikipedia
7. The most expensive Pokémon trading card ever sold at a private sale (Pikachu Illustrator from 1998) was sold to influencer Logan Paul for how much?
8. Which order of insects contains the most species?
Hymenoptera (bees, ants, wasps)
Coleoptera (beetles)
Diptera (flies)
Blattodea (cockroaches)
Source: Live Science
9. Scopophobia is a fear of or extreme aversion to …
seeing something traumatic
limiting the scope of a project or other undertaking
diagnostic instruments, including medical ones
being watched or stared at
Source: PsychCentral
10. The best-selling compilation album of all time is …
1 (The Beatles)
Greatest Hits (Queen)
Gold: Greatest Hits (ABBA)
Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975) (Eagles)
Source: Wikipedia
11. Which statement about the planet Jupiter is false?
It takes sunlight 43 minutes to travel to Jupiter.
There are several likely spots on Jupiter to land a spacecraft.
Galileo was the first to observe the four largest moons of Jupiter.
Jupiter is 11 times wider than Earth.
Source: NASA
12. About how fast does a sneeze travel?
50 mph (80.48 km/h)
250 mph (402.34 km/h)
300 mph (482.80 km/h)
100 mph (160.94 km/h)
13. The word “mortgage” is a mash-up of two Old French words that mean …
death measurement
house poor
dead pledge
life pledge
14. Kit Kat candy bars were originally called …
Chocolate Wafer
Chocolate Crisp
Kit Cat
Kit Kat Chocolate Crisp
Source: Wikipedia
15. What percentage of Canada’s population lives within 150 miles of the U.S. border?
nearly 75%
more than 90%
about 50%
16. All objects in our Milky Way Galaxy revolve around the galactic center. About how long does one of these revolutions take?
250 million years
250 years
125 million years
1 million years
Source: NASA
17. The census designated place Cal-Nev-Ari is located in which U.S. state?
Source: Wikipedia
18. Who was the first U.S. President to put up a Christmas tree in the White House?
Chester A. Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford B. Hayes
19. A group of giraffes is called …
a necklace
a stretch
a tower
a tallness
Source: Wiktionary
20. Something that is icterogenic causes …
skin blemishes
a fishy smell
a sore throat
Source: Wiktionary
Level 67
Sep 18, 2024
Really surprised by the Eagles! Goes to show the size of the American market. I was sure Eagles would be the biggest seller in the USA but thought the global reach of ABBA and Beatles would put the Eagles in third.

Also need to consider the generational impact cos Eagles are a bit of a joke compared to the untouchable legacies of the Beatles, ABBA, and Queen.

Level 69
Sep 18, 2024
I was a bit surprised by that, too.

There are anomalies with how some national certification authorities calculate sales, regarding multi-disc sets and streaming equivalents that give more weight to the U.S. market. The second paragraph in my Wikipedia source explains.