Select the correct answer from the choices provided … if you dare.
Some questions may be in this format:
A : B :: C : ?
This is known as an analogy. It is read as “A is to B as C is to what? So, the answer to the analogy “dog : canine :: cat : ?” is “feline.” Canine has the same relationship to dog as feline has to cat.
This is a challenging quiz, but I can almost guarantee you will learn something from it.
Constructive criticism is welcome. Subscribe to get a notification when I release a new quiz.
5.Fugu, a type of pufferfish, is a delicacy in Japan. However, it contains tetrodotoxin, a deadly nerve-paralyzing toxin. If not prepared properly, a single fugu contains enough toxin to kill how many people?
13.When Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury was executed in 1541, how many strokes of the axe did it reportedly take her inexperienced executioner to sever her head from her body?
20.The most popular flavor of Jelly Belly jelly beans has nearly always been Very Cherry, except for the period from 1998-2003, when another flavor was briefly the most popular. Which flavor?
I try to remember to provide metric measurements, but I am not always successful. In general, I am making an effort to make my quizzes less U.S.-centric (except for the ones that are U.S.-centric by nature, e.g. quizzes about Presidents) by including metric measurements, including translations from American English to rest-of-world English (when known), and other measures. I will consider updating this quiz … but it will be a little painful, as it will reset the statistics for this quiz.
Good work on the double bluff for Osamu Tezuka.
Not sure if you've changed this in future but it would be nice to have the ft/in measurements in metres too (and spelling "liter" as litre).
I try to remember to provide metric measurements, but I am not always successful. In general, I am making an effort to make my quizzes less U.S.-centric (except for the ones that are U.S.-centric by nature, e.g. quizzes about Presidents) by including metric measurements, including translations from American English to rest-of-world English (when known), and other measures. I will consider updating this quiz … but it will be a little painful, as it will reset the statistics for this quiz.