Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Number 30 Entrant | Roman Reigns | 82%
New and 16x world champion | John Cena | 81%
Royal Rumble Winner | Randy Orton | 80%
Guy who was eliminated by Goldberg | Brock Lesnar | 76%
Retained Universal championship | Kevin Owens | 74%
Woman who went 16-0 in ppv | Charlotte | 72%
Above best friend in shark cage | Chris Jericho | 72%
Man who lost WWE Title | AJ Styles | 70%
Hugging woman who lost to 16-0 queen | Bayley | 66%
New Cruiserweight Champ | Neville | 59%
Number 1 Entrant | Big Cass | 58%
Number 10 entrant | Tye Dillinger | 49%
Dominant woman on kickoff show | Nia Jax | 44%
Two men who became tag champs | Gallows and Anderson | 23%
Guy who everyone thought would be in it | Samoa Joe | 18%
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