Quizzes by Fempire

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Fempire.
# of Quizzes 35
# Subscribers 2
Times taken 12,422
Quizmaker Rank # 2,244
4,3322023-04-10Guess Every Arctic Monkeys Song Based on Its First Line
2,3642023-03-31Muse Songs per Album (Showbiz - Will of the People)
1,5162023-04-10100 Harry Potter Movie Quotes
1,0072023-04-10Guess Every Muse Song Based on Its First Line
3762023-04-10Legendary Pokémon (Gen. 1-9)
3222023-04-10Pokémon No Effect Attacks Type Chart
2812023-04-10The 100 Best Movie Quotes
2652023-03-31Arctic Monkeys Songs per Album (WPSIATWIN - The Car)
2532023-04-10Guess Every Nothing but Thieves Song Based on Its First Line
2102023-04-10David Fincher Movies
1492023-04-10Name All the Wie Is de Mol? Candidates (2005-2023)
1122023-04-10Christopher Nolan Movies
1102023-04-10Coen Brothers Movies
1082023-04-10Denis Villeneuve Movies
1002024-05-18Colonists and Their Former Colonies/Occupied Territories
992023-04-01Nothing but Thieves Songs per Album
922023-04-10Wes Anderson Movies
832023-04-10Oscar Best Picture Nominees 2000-Now
822023-04-10Pokémon Super Effective Attacks Type Chart
742024-08-24Famous Movie Quotes
732024-05-18Former Colonies/Occupied Territories and Their Colonists
722023-04-10Quentin Tarantino Movies
422024-10-09Every "Outstanding TV Series" Primetime Emmy Nominee Since 2000
392024-06-04Most Spoken Language in Each Country
332023-04-10Guess the Actor Based on 2 Movies They Starred In
332023-04-10Pokémon Not Very Effective Attacks Type Chart
322023-08-13Starter Pokémon (Gen. 1-9)
232024-08-22Countries that are part of the Schengen Area
232024-06-04Country Names in their own Language
232023-04-10Films by Best Actor Nominees 2000-2022
222023-04-10Name All Star Trek Series Main Characters (TOS-ENT)
202024-08-30Countries that are part of the European Union
182023-04-10Films by Best Actress Nominees 2000-2022
182023-04-10Guess the Movie Based on Its Cast
162024-08-22Countries that are part of the Eurozone