Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver | {Judas} Iscariot | 94%
Third son of Adam and Eve | Seth | 94%
Doubted Jesus three times before the cock crowed | Simon Peter | 94%
Patriarch that had descendants like the stars | Abraham | 89%
Father of 12 sons | Jacob / Israel | 85%
The above’s wife | Sarah | 85%
Left to die on the islamd of Patmos | John | 81%
Hairy brother of the above | Esau | 72%
Patriarch that had deceitful twins | Isaac | 68%
Jesus’ first disciple | Andrew | 62%
Brother of the above and the first of Jesus’ disciple to die | James | 60%
Took Jesus down from the cross | Joseph of Arimathea | 55%
Last minor prophet | Malachi | 51%
Was Joseph’s first master | Potiphar | 34%
Boasted to his wives that he killed a young man | Lamech | 17%
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