I just reload the page instead of giving up on one because it pains me to see 1/12 or 1/20 on a stats page. It also could be because of people doing May, then April, then March, etc to not do the long ones and to try and do as many as they can.
I started with September to get the long names out of the way and got to August with five seconds remaining - I had to go and type in Augusrt, didn't I? Finally got it with two seconds to spare after about two thousand tries!
Copy september, then start by using ctrl v, then start from october and when done with december go start with january. I got it with 0 seconds doing the same method, but i skipped may and did it last.
Me:*Insanely typing not being able to get past October*
(good quiz)
after 5 attempts
I did it with my laptop on my lap and didn't have to rush. Just couldn't make mistakes.
Norwegian - English
Januar - January
Februar - February
Mars - March
April - April
Mai - May
Juni - June
Juli - July
August - August
September - September
Oktober - October
November - November
Desember - December
P.S. sry I HAD to copy paste february to give myself an advantage...
Best Time
not a native speaker btw