For the Book of Mormon one, I was trying to get E.B. Grandin to fit, since his shop printed and published the original edition. Guess it depends on the definition of 'publish.'
I don't think "beefeater" is a type of tomato. In USA "beefsteak" or UK "beef tomato". Beefeater is a guard at the Tower of London or a fairly decent brand of Gin
Hurling the sport is also something you should do only after several beverages as it is absolutely mental and there is a 110% chance you will get a whack of a hurley (the stick they use to bat the ball around the field). Great fun to watch too.
For anyone intersted, after the Magnum at 1.5 litres comes the Jéroboam (3L), then the Rehoboam (4.5L), Mathusalem (6L), Salmanazar (9L), Balthazar (12L), and finally the Nabuchodonozor (15L). I once learned a mnemonic device in French to remember them all, but I've forgotten it...
I totally misread the Joey Chestnut question. I was wondering why Kobayashi wouldn't take. After time ran out, I realized it asked what did he eat, not who did he beat.....