Hint | Answer | % Correct |
How many Fire type attacks are status moves | 3 - Sunny Day, Will-o-Wisp, Burning Bulwark | 100%
The level Larvesta evolves into Volcarona | 59 | 100%
The only type not to be paired with Fire | Fairy | 100%
The only Generation not to introduce a Fire type specialist | II | 100%
When the move Extreme Speed was initially introduced, which Fire type was the only Pokémon able to learn it via level up | Arcanine | 90%
What other fully evolved starter Pokémon has exactly the same Base Stat distribution as Charizard | Typhlosion | 90%
The Beta name for this Fire type in Red and Blue was Flamie | Growlithe | 80%
The shortest Fire type starter | Scorbunny | 80%
Fire was the last type to be paired with which other type? | Water, Grass | 80%
Which Gym Leader awards the Heat Badge? | Flannery | 70%
The signature Ability of the Rolycoly evolution line | Steam Engine | 70%
According to the Pokédex, the hottest Pokémon are Magcargo and Camerupt, both of which can reach internal temperatures of 18,000 °F (10,000 °C). What Ability do they both share? | Magma Armor | 60%
The only evolved form of a first partner Pokémon to have a lower base stat than its pre-evolved forms | Incineroar - Base Speed is lower than Litten/Torracat | 50%
The Team Star Fire type specialist | Mela | 50%
The only Fire type move introduced in Gen VI | Mystical Fire | 50%
In Gen III what contest condition were all Fire type moves classified? | Beautiful | 40%
Fire type with the highest Base HP | Entei | 30%
Guess the move - Power:85 / Accuracy:90% / PP:10 (without PP ups) | Blaze Kick | 10%
The only Fire type to learn Blizzard via level up or TM/TR - (note: not including Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan as it's not in Zen mode when it can actually learn the move) | Alolan Marowak | 0%
The Fire type tied with Litwick for lowest Base Attack | Zen Mode Darmanitan | 0%
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