I got them in 29 seconds but it was because I kept messing up Mozambique's spelling. If I got it right the first time, it probably would have had taken me around 10 seconds.
I tried multiple times and I can only get it in 10 seconds, I also got it in about 25 seconds on my first try, because i didn't try to type fast, at all.
but 15 seconds means that you know them all and you know them in order (roughly 1.5 seconds per answer). leaving some room for thinking and a bit of guessing doesn't take away from the quiz in my opinion. anyone who REALLY wants to get 100% on the quiz can always look up the answers in either case, so getting 100% is never going to be an accomplishment that you can show off, it's just for you to know that you did it. in the same sense, if you think that finishing a quiz in 15 seconds is an accomplishment, you can take note of how long you took and be proud of that. no need to limit other people from having fun with a quiz where they can do a bit of guessing.
The point in getting 100% on a quiz is to know the actual quiz. The point in getting 100% on a speed typing quiz is the ability to memorize and type fast. Maybe a minute would be better, but why 15 seconds?
This is a free quiz website on the internet, not a national competition. None of it "means" anything. It's better for quizzes to have time for people to try to think of answers they don't all know off the top of their head. People who want to rapid-fire answer or test their typing speed are the reason there are "in 15 seconds" or "one minute sprint" versions of quizzes. In other words, this one is fine how it is.
I don't. So anything not official is meaningless?? I would beg to differ, the most meaningful things are not where it is recorded and you (might) get a prize for it. It is when you enjoy yourself, and am proud of what you did, no need for witnesses or competition to do that.
Atleast tinklepork gives the real reason why people ask for extreme reduction of times (whether or not that is truely his own opinion. All the comments above seem to have blindly assumed so, but I have yet to see a serious comment without the intention to stir from tinklepork)
My previous fastest time was 21 seconds. This time was much longer because it took me a while to realize the reason none of my answers were working was because I was doing the west coast countries rather than east coast. Maybe QM should add some "yellow tees" with longer times for us golden oldies. :)
I take these quizzes on mobile, and 15 seconds is far too little time to type it out. Even on computer only the fastest typists would be able to get 100%.
15 seconds would require you really knowing the subject well, focusing, and being able to touch type. 1 minute should be enough time for anyone if you're not completely guessing, I think.
What does it matter? I do these quizzes for fun not to show how awesome I am. 1 min, 2 min, 10 min...who cares? Or more to the point; what type of person would care?
You kidding, I started at the southern end and spent 20 seconds getting extremely frustrated that countries weren't being accepted. Took me almost 30 seconds to notice the yellow box.
This is assuming the user is using a keyboard as an input devise - then is more about how fast one can type. Some people have speech to type devises than than input answers.
Weed out most people? Some people have arthritis vs the people with voice type. We should be able to set the time, the best person to compete against -yourself.
Good Quiz, once again though the speed typists want to spoil a General Knowledge quiz by turning it into a speed typing competition. Why, if they are so keen in speed typing do they not just go against the clock?..... I think they must want to spoil it for those of us that enjoy using our brains as much as out fingers.
Saying that sprints "spoil" slower-speed quizzes is like saying that the 100 meter Olympic sprint spoils the Marathon. Each type demands different skills, and appeals to different people. Jetpunk's diversity of quizzes is one of its strengths.
I'm fairly certain Malbaby was referring to the speedy typists wanting to shorten the time in this particular quiz; no one is opposed to having two separate quizzes (one with shorter time for the speed crew).
Yes, agree with redsplat. That is a very very weird comparison. It is more like forcing everyone that are doing a marathon to stop after 100m. How could you possibly say that doesnt spoil their enjoyment of running the marathon
The time limit on any quiz should be not so short that it becomes a speed typing test (unless it's a speed typing quiz, I guess), and not so long that after you type in all the answers you legitimately know you're left with 3+ minutes on the clock and then left to either start randomly guessing or give up. At most there should be maybe 30-60 seconds of time for random guessing. But on quizzes with fewer answers there should be less. So maybe 2 seconds for random guessing per quiz answer, plus enough time for an average speed typist to type in all the answers from memory. Ideally. In my subjective opinion that makes for the best time allotment. Anything more or less detracts from the quiz experience for different reasons.
In summation the best time limit for this quiz would be somewhere between 30 and 60 seconds. This wouldn't spoil anything for anybody. It would enhance the quiz experience for everyone. People who want to guess every country in Africa one at a time can turn off the time limit. People who want to test their typing speed can time themselves.
I completely agree. I'd say 1 minute, not 30 seconds, so it is neither a typing contest nor a type-as-many-country-names-as-you-can-and-see-what-sticks (2+mins) process.
That's fair, except then perhaps the description should indicate mainland. Let me be the first to line up for the sequel that has all the east coast countries :)
They dont make up the east coast though, so I definitely disagree. It didnt even occur to me that they would perhaps be considered an answer (only if the quiz was called countries off the eastcoast of africa)
Seriously though I think several of the countries are included here are likely to be familiar to many Americans, in particular Egypt, Somalia, Kenya and South Africa. The difficulty would be more in the ordering, I'd imagine. In any case, I found it easy, but I'm a nerdy Jetpunk regular :)
Got them all. Good thing there was some time to think here. Love it when I get to put the pieces together after some thinking. Almost left out Kenya. Thought that country was landlocked.
30 seconds would have been enough If I knew them all. But I didn`t. So thumbs up. Great quiz.
Seriously though I think several of the countries are included here are likely to be familiar to many Americans, in particular Egypt, Somalia, Kenya and South Africa. The difficulty would be more in the ordering, I'd imagine. In any case, I found it easy, but I'm a nerdy Jetpunk regular :)
30 seconds would have been enough If I knew them all. But I didn`t. So thumbs up. Great quiz.