This French monument experiences a devastating fire
Notre Dame
An extradition bill sparks massive protests in this city
Hong Kong
The U.S House of Representatives vote to do this to Donald Trump
The first photo of this celestial object was taken
Black Hole
This movie, highest grossing of all time, is released
Avengers: Endgame
This world famous theoretical physicist dies
Stephen Hawking
Donald Trump meets with this world-leader in Singapore
Kim Jong Un
The Winter Olympics are hosted in this city
This actress marries Prince Harry
Meghan Markle
12 soccer players and their coach are rescued from a flooded cave in this country
Hundreds of thousands of people of this Muslim group flee Myanmar
Puerto Rico is devastated by this hurricane
Hurricane Maria
This celestial event occurs across much of North America
Solar Eclipse
A coup ousts this African leader after 37 years in power
Robert Mugabe
The spacecraft Cassini reaches the end of its life as it crashes into this celestial body
Britain votes to leave the European Union, a vote which is commonly referred to by this name
Dilma Rouseff, president of this country, is impeached
Millions of people try to "catch em' all" when this app is released
Pokemon Go
This musician, known for "Starman" and "Under Pressure", dies
David Bowie
The Syrian Government captures this city
This mosquito borne virus spreads throughout the Americas
This movie franchise is brought back with its seventh major film
Star Wars
An agreement is made in Paris regarding this issue
Climate Change
The United States legalizes this in all fifty states, becoming the 16th country to do so
Same-Sex Marriage
This song by Mark Ronson, ranked Billboard's hottest song of the decade, is released
Uptown Funk
A plane flying out of this city disappears without a trace
Kuala Lumpur
Russia annexes this peninsula
An outbreak of this diseases in western Africa kills over 10,000 people
This nation wins the world cup against Argentina
Milllions are raised to help find a cure for this disease when everyone on the internet does the ice bucket challenge
Two bombs are set off during this 116 year old sporting event
Boston Marathon
This world leader and nobel prize winner dies in Johannesburg
Nelson Mandela
Typhoon Haiyan makes landfall in this country
This 85 year old pope resigns
Benedict XVI
This man becomes president of China when there is only one vote against him
Xi Jinping
Despite many people's beliefs, the world does not end on this day
December 21
This ship capsizes off the coast of Italy
Costa Concordia
This company debuts on the stock market with one of the most anticipated IPOs in history
This rover lands on Mars
This song's music video becomes the most watched video on Youtube
Gangnam Style
A tsunami and earthquake strike Japan, causing a nuclear disaster at this plant
Fukushima Daiichi Plant
This leader of Al-Qaeda is killed by U.S forces
Osama Bin Laden
This TV show, the most popular of the 2010s, begins
Game of Thrones
Uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, and other nations occur, collectively known by this name
Arab Spring
This video game, the most popular game of all time, is released by Mojang
An earthquake in this island country kills over 200,000
This new tallest building in the world is finished
Burj Khalifa
Thirty-three miners are successfully saved from a cave-in after 69 days underground in this country
This type of disaster occurs in Iceland, stalling trans-atlantic flights for months
The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explodes, releasing millions of gallons of oil into this body of water
Gulf of Mexico