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Which fact about China is false?
China has more people than all of Africa
China has only one time-zone
In China it is illegal to have more than one child
Mount Everest is partially in China
The policy was relaxed in 2016, allowing some couples to have two children
Which fact about fruits is false?
Unripe pineapples are red
The fruit orange was named before the color
Kiwi trees are native to New Zealand
Kiwis don't grow on trees, they grow on vines
Which fact about muscles is false?
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body
There are over six-hundred muscles in the human body
There are three types of muscle
The tongue is actually many muscles
Which fact about the French Revolution is false?
Robespierre died by guillotine
The Storming of the Bastille is the first event of the revolution
After Napoleon, France had a king again
The French revolution began in 1789
The formation of the National Assembly comes first
Which fact about Australia is false?
The lowest point is 49 ft below sea level
Australia is home to the three deadliest snakes in the world
Australians drive on the left side of the road
There is more desert in Australia than in North and South America combined
The Chihuahuan Desert alone is larger than the Great Sandy Desert
Which fact about the moon is false?
The moon is slowly drifting away from the Earth
The moon is larger than Mercury
The same side of the moon always faces Earth
Only American men have ever stepped on the moon
The moon is 2/3 the size of Mercury
Which fact about water is false?
Water is incompressible
Water is a universal solvent
2% of all water on Earth is frozen
Water has a pH of 7
Which fact about mathematics is false?
Pi is an irrational number
No negative numbers have a real square root
The sum of all numbers is Infinity
The sum of all numbers is zero
Which fact about planes is false?
American Airlines gets more passengers than any other airline
An animal can only be brought on a plane if it is a service animal
The first plane was flown in 1903
The Concorde could travel faster than the speed of sound
Other animals, such as live fish, can be brought on your carry-on
Which fact about biology is false?
Meiosis is the process by which gametes are produced
There are six kingdoms are life
All cells have a nucleus
Proteins are composed of amino acids
Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus
Which fact about the Beatles is false
The Beatles' first number one album was "Help"
"Hey Jude" is over 7 minutes long
The song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is about the drug LSD
Ringo's real name is Richard
This song is actually about John Lennon's son
Which fact is about New York City is false?
A.T Kearney ranked New York as the most influential city in the world
All five boroughs are located on islands
New York was once the U.S capital
From 1908-1973 the World's tallest building was in New York
The Bronx is on the mainland
Which fact about Star Wars is false?
Darth Vader said "Luke, I am your father" in "The Empire Strikes Back"
Darth Vader is voiced by James Earl Jones
Yoda was almost played by a monkey
Episode II is titled "Attack of the Clones"
Which fact about World War II is false?
About 11 million Soviet soldiers died
Japan surrendered after Germany
Iran remained neutral throughout the war
Denmark was the second country invaded by Germany during the war
Iran was invaded by the allies
Which fact about weather is false?
Clouds are often composed of thousands of tons of water vapor
Tornadoes are not uncommon in India, China, and Japan
Lightning strikes can result in temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun
Any tropical cyclone which lands in North America is called a hurricane
Clouds are not made of water vapor