
History by Picture - B

Can you identify these people, places, and things in history that start with the letter "B"?
Quiz by WolfCam
Last updated: April 12, 2018
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First submittedApril 10, 2018
Times taken41,562
Average score72.2%
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ancient city
Berlin Wall
British Empire
type of headwear
period of human history
Byzantine Empire
architectural feature
Flying Buttress
religious figure
city once called "Aquae Sulis"
first landing place of Columbus
Level 76
Apr 11, 2018
Shouldn't accept "plague", because it's a B-quiz.
Level 59
Apr 12, 2018
I thought they accepted my plague because I had bubonic in front of it...
Level 81
Apr 13, 2018
I typed in "bubonic plague"
Level 66
May 18, 2018
Bubonic Plague is a correct term, Black Plague is not, but it is Accepted
Level 71
Apr 13, 2018
Immediately forgot the title of the quiz when I started. Might've gotten Bolivar a little sooner if I'd remembered
Level 82
Apr 13, 2018
I did the same.
Level 67
Apr 11, 2018
I can't help but feel that a presidential assassin merits some slightly harsher word than "scoundrel"...
Level 66
Apr 12, 2018
If it was Trump I would call him 'hero'
Level 78
Apr 13, 2018
wow what an original and funny joke
Level 82
Apr 13, 2018
Classy. Consider if someone said the same about any other president?
Level 64
Apr 18, 2018
Boy, what a low life.
Level 80
Mar 6, 2019
Comment reported for wishing death upon the President.
Level 81
Mar 6, 2019
^ reported JackintheBox's comment for open treason and apathy in the face of evil.
Level 78
Mar 6, 2019
I'm anything but a fan of him but that takes it too far. Besides, with Trump dead neither Bernie nor Obama would take over, it would be Mike Pence. This is called verschlimmbessern in German.
Level 80
Mar 8, 2019
kabahamut's rationale for reporting my comment is subjective, while mine isn't
Level 80
Mar 8, 2019
Also, I'm not from the US. Even if I were, calling me treasonous would mean calling 42% of the US population the same, including around 90% of Republicans.
Level 72
Aug 3, 2019
@camus is that something like beworsenbetter, havent look it up yet but I will now. Or less literal maybe disimprove?

Edit: hey I was right :)

Level 78
Apr 11, 2018
The "brontosaurus" is actually a brachiosaurus. Same first letter, quite different creature.
Level 55
Apr 12, 2018
+1. I would have got 100% if Brachiosaurus was acceptable.
Level ∞
Apr 12, 2018
I replaced that picture with the hat.
Level 79
Apr 13, 2018
good job you changed the answer as well
Level 45
Apr 13, 2018
Level 68
Apr 13, 2018
I think the caveat can be removed now, regarding pre-history?
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2018
Level 89
Apr 12, 2018
I didn't realise that the scoundrel was a specific person. Tried all kinds of synonyms.
Level 55
Apr 13, 2018
You didn't realise you were trying to name the things in the pictures?
Level 74
Jul 13, 2018
It's not clear that we're looking for the name of a person
Level 90
Oct 7, 2018
If you don't know Lincoln by sight, you don't know Booth by name so it doesn't matter anyway
Level 74
Nov 30, 2018
It's not photographic quality...
Level 72
Dec 12, 2019
@someone 2018 of course it matters, if he thought the picture was merely an example of a scoundrel it doesnt matter if you know the names of the people in the picture.

like if a picture of a car is shown, you could know the brand and type, but if all they are looking for is the word car that doesnt matter. So it is not like "ow if you dont even recognize what brand of car it is, you would definitely not know the make"

That would not be relevant to the answer.
Level 48
Apr 13, 2018
OMG I thought the hat one was a burqa XD

I'm dying LMAO

Level 74
Apr 13, 2018
Blaggard starts with B and is synonymous with scoundrel
Level 59
Apr 13, 2018
But they're not looking for synonyms of "scoundrel." They're looking for the name of the person in the photo.
Level 64
Apr 18, 2018
And it's spelled "blackguard."
Level 74
Jun 7, 2018
or blaggard -
Level 80
Apr 13, 2018
Won't accept Bolivar, only "Simon Bolivar"
Level 81
Apr 13, 2018
Level 82
Apr 13, 2018
It accepted it for me. Check your spelling.
Level 41
Apr 13, 2018
It doesn't except smith for blacksmith which is annoying
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2018
Smith doesn't start with B
Level 53
Apr 18, 2018
Meucci doesn't start with B, yet HE is the real inventor of the phone.

Please let people know the truth

Level 74
Jul 13, 2018
You can't handle the truth
Level 55
Apr 13, 2018
Writing "except" when you mean "accept" is annoying.
Level 74
Jun 26, 2020
There are a lot of people in the world for whom English is not their first language. Some of them use this website.
Level 53
Apr 13, 2018
I keep on texting 'Antonio Meucci' in the answer box but it doesn't work. There is a phone in the picture above the word 'inventor', isn't it?
Level 84
Apr 15, 2018
Check the quiz title again.
Level 64
Apr 18, 2018
You should have tried Bantonio Bmeucci. If you honestly didn't know what the question was getting at, you deserved to miss it.
Level 53
Apr 18, 2018
Oh yes, you are right. Now I found something else, it's really curious: if I text "Bell" instead of Meucci, the quiz says I'm giving the correct answer!! Can you believe it?!

It seems as if Bell is the inventor of the phone!

Someone should tell the author that there is an error in his quiz.

Level 73
Apr 22, 2018
17 out of 18 fairly much straight away. Completely stumped on the missing one though. Frustrating.
Level 73
Sep 23, 2023
And the exact same five years later.
Level 36
Nov 7, 2018
Even though my initial thought was Meuci, I would have gotten it wrong because I kept thinking of him as "Minuci", and in trying to think of a first name beginning with a "B". I tried Benito,

Bartoli, Bartolino and Bertucci. Once they didn't work, I fell back on Alexander Graham Bell.

Level 32
Jan 18, 2019
The telephone was invented by Meucci, not by Bell
Level 72
Aug 3, 2019
Missed the entire last row, but probably only would ve gotten buddha, well actually not many islands starting with a b, so I guess that one too. Funny how a lot of the islands look like only (half of) the outline of an island. My brain looks at it weirdly like half is erased.

(and yes I know how it works and why it looks like this. Just didnt realize the bahamas looked liked this, and my brain cant process the picture (like thos old lady young woman picture, once you see it one way it is hard to unfocus and see it differently. Or like on maps where sea and land seemed to have switched due to bad color choices, it is hard to unsee and gets your brain in a twist)

Level 82
Jun 24, 2020
I appreciate that John Wilkes Booth is referred to as a "Scoundrel" instead of "Assassin"
Level 87
May 2, 2022
Sad that Bolivar is so little known.
Level 65
Apr 28, 2023
How did 96% get Berlin wall? I got everything else easily, but the cold war is the last thing I think of with walled cities.
Level 59
May 12, 2023
I put Bonaparte instead of Bolivar. I forgot about Bolivia, Bolivar.