Fictional desert planet from Dune
A city in the Amazon rainforest
Challenger Deep
The deepest point of the ocean. Around 2°C (35°F).
Chichen Itza
A Mayan ruin located in Mexico
Kara Sea
Located in the Arctic Ocean
Hellas Basin
Located on Mars
A red supergiant star
A city in Russia
Marie Byrd Land
Located in Antarctica
Frozen planet from "Star Wars"
Tierra del Fuego
The southernmost region of South America
The Jejunum
Part of the lower intestine
Fortress of Solitude
Superman's hideout, located in the Arctic
Port Moresby
The capital of Papua New Guinea
Saint Lucia
An island in the Caribbean
Baffin Island
An island in Canada
A city in the Sahara Desert
You left this blank
Poor fool.
For what it's worth, the 6 least frequently guessed answers are all non-fictional.
In reality, body temperature is the normal temperature for the body, so it's neither hot or cold, relative to itself. It's a tautology to say but you're technically correct, just not in this quiz.
Although, the poles are described in the books as getting to as low as -75C
I was wrong, it's actually on Mars. Doesn't change the answer though.
could somebody please help explain for me?
great quiz, fun, good job!
(So no mount everest, though perhaps most everest)
Great quiz!
youre yes then youre no
youre in then youre out
youre up then youre down
youre wrong when its right
its black when its white
we fight we break up
we kiss we make up