Hint | Answer | % Correct | |
Russia | What territory did Russia sell to the U.S. in 1867? | Alaska | 91%
What country colonized Brazil? | Portugal | 90%
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What country invaded Cuba in 1898, ending Spanish colonization? | United States | 89%
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In what year did the Berlin Wall fall? | 1989 | 88%
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Prior to 1917, what was the title of the leader of Russia? | Tsar | 88%
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Who had children with both Mark Antony and Julius Caesar? | Cleopatra | 87%
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What city was second to be struck by an atomic bomb? | Nagasaki | 87%
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What was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938, seriously changing the Saudi economy? | Oil | 87%
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What naval base did Japan attack in 1941, bringing them into war against the U.S? | Pearl Harbor | 87%
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What did Rio de Janeiro host in 2016? | Summer Olympics | 87%
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Who led Cuba from 1961 until 2008? | Fidel Castro | 86%
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Who was famously killed by Brutus and other Senators? | Julius Caesar | 86%
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Who was born in Mecca in 570 AD? | Muhammad | 86%
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What country was united with Norway from 1814 to 1905? | Sweden | 86%
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Egypt | What monumental structure is thought to have been built as a tomb for the pharoah Khufu? | The Great Pyramid | 86%
What city in Egypt was famous in ancient times for its library? | Alexandria | 85%
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What was France's currency before the Euro? | Franc | 85%
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What empire had its capital at Tenochtitlan? | Aztec | 84%
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What city was supposedly home to the Hanging Gardens? | Babylon | 84%
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What country was Austria merged with from 1867-1918? | Hungary | 84%
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Greece | On what island was the Minoan civilization based? | Crete | 83%
What European power colonized Cambodia? | France | 83%
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What Spanish king were the Philippines named after? | Philip II | 83%
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What system of racial discrimination was ended in the early 1990s? | Apartheid | 82%
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Whose assassination was Serbia blamed for in 1914? | Franz Ferdinand | 82%
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Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? | Michelangelo | 82%
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Netherlands | What flower was the center of a famous investment bubble in the 1600s? | Tulip | 82%
China | On what river did Chinese civlization first begin? | Yellow River | 82%
What were women allowed to legally do for the first time in 2018? | Drive | 81%
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What island group did Argentina invade in 1982? | Falkland Islands | 81%
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What island did China cede to Great Britain as a result of the Opium Wars? | Hong Kong | 81%
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What country invaded Indonesia in 1941? | Japan | 81%
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Who led the Indian independence movement against Britain? | Mahatma Gandhi | 81%
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What disaster struck London in 1666? | Great Fire of London | 80%
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Who supposedly nailed 95 theses to a church door? | Martin Luther | 80%
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What city-state bested Athens in the Peloponnesian War? | Sparta | 80%
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Vikings from Norway were the first Europeans to reach Vinland. In what modern-day country would you find Vinland? | Canada | 79%
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What bird did Australia fight a "war" against in 1932? | Emus | 79%
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South Africa | What country originally colonized the Cape of Good Hope? | Netherlands | 79%
What was placed in Cuba in 1962, sparking a crisis? | Nuclear Missiles | 79%
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What empire controlled the coastal regions of Saudi Arabia from the 16th century until WWI? | Ottoman Empire | 79%
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What European power briefly occupied Ethiopia in the 1930s? | Italy | 78%
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What partially-recognized country seceded from Serbia in 2008? | Kosovo | 78%
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Mexico | What civilization's cities included Tikal and Yaxchilan? | Maya | 78%
Japan | What religion was introduced to the country in 538 A.D.? | Buddhism | 77%
What series of conflicts involved European efforts to capture the Holy Land? | Crusades | 77%
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What country did Iran fight a war against from 1980-1988? | Iraq | 77%
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Who was the teacher of Aristotle? | Plato | 77%
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Argentina | Which element did the Spanish name Argentina after? | Silver | 77%
What country did Iraq invade in 1990? | Kuwait | 76%
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Israel | In what town did Jesus grow up? | Nazareth | 76%
Cuba | What style of music, whose name means "sauce" in Spanish, is based on Cuban traditions? | Salsa | 76%
What world famous painter was born in the Netherlands in 1853? | Vincent Van Gogh | 76%
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What wind-powered device was used by the Dutch to drain wetlands and greatly expand the land area of the country? | Windmill | 76%
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What nation declared independence from Pakistan in 1971? | Bangladesh | 75%
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What destroyed much of Tokyo in 1923? | Earthquake | 75%
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What award has been given out in Norway to people such as Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa since 1901? | Nobel Peace Prize | 75%
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Germany | What river was generally considered the boundary between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes? | Rhine River | 75%
What country invaded and occupied Cambodia in 1979? | Vietnam | 75%
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Peru | What animal was domesticated in Peru around 5000 BC? | Llama | 74%
Who became the world's first psychoanalyst in 1886? | Sigmund Freud | 73%
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Who gave the Gettysburg Address? | Abraham Lincoln | 72%
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France | What was the Roman name for France? | Gaul | 72%
What leader had millions killed in Cambodia by mass killings or malnutrition in the seventies? | Pol Pot | 72%
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What did Johannes Gutenberg invent? | Printing Press | 72%
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What country did Turkish troops enter in 2019? | Syria | 72%
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What war caused the downfall of the Ottoman Empire? | WWI | 72%
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What Portuguese-speaking country gained its independence from Indonesia in 2002? | East Timor | 71%
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What footballer was born in 1940 as Edson Arantes do Nascimento? | Pelé | 71%
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India | In what language were most important Hindu scriptures written? | Sanskrit | 71%
Australia | What type of curved stick was used by Aboriginal Australians to hunt small prey? | Boomerang | 70%
What philospher's sayings are collected in the "Analects"? | Confucius | 70%
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Who was the Kaiser of Germany during WWI? | Wilhelm II | 70%
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In 2010, what series of protests spread to Egypt, forcing the president to resign? | Arab Spring | 69%
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What Argentinian fought in the Cuban Revolution and met his end in Bolivia in 1967? | Che Guevara | 69%
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Pakistan | Along what river did civilization in Pakistan first develop? | Indus River | 69%
What British explorer charted maps of Eastern Australia? | James Cook | 69%
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What term refers to the hereditary military nobility of medieval Japan? | Samurai | 69%
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What Adriatic port city once controlled Crete, Cyprus, and parts of Crimea? | Venice | 69%
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Who was dictator of Spain from 1939 until 1975? | Francisco Franco | 68%
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What river was established as the U.S-Mexico border after the Mexican-American War? | Rio Grande | 68%
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Austria | What royal house controlled Austria for most of its existence? | Hapsburg | 67%
What North American city did the Dutch cede to the English in 1664? | New Amsterdam | 67%
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Who was the top U.S. commander in Europe during WWII? | Dwight D. Eisenhower | 66%
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Iraq | What term refers to the Cradle of Civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? | Mesopotamia | 66%
What peninsula did Israel annex in 1967 but return in 1982? | Sinai Peninsula | 66%
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Italy | What northern region takes its name from the Etruscans, who lived in the area before the Romans? | Tuscany | 66%
What kingdom did Shaka rule? | Zulu Kingdom | 66%
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In what city did Allied leaders meet to make plans for WWII in 1943? | Casablanca | 65%
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Spain | Who was the wife of Ferdinand II? | Isabella I | 65%
What three letter word ending in J refers to the period of British rule in India and Pakistan? | Raj | 65%
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Philippines | What Portuguese explorer died in the Philippines during the first circumnavigation of the globe in 1521? | Ferdinand Magellan | 64%
United Kingdom | Who is the most famous conspirator of the Gunpowder Plot? | Guy Fawkes | 64%
What M word refers to the Northern African people who conquered Spain? | Moors | 64%
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Who painted "Guernica" a depiction of a bombing that happened during the Spanish Civil War? | Pablo Picasso | 64%
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Who wrote "A Tale of Two Cities"? | Charles Dickens | 63%
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What territory declared its independence from Morocco in 1979? | Western Sahara | 63%
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What empire was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453? | Byzantine Empire | 62%
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What was the original purpose of the Taj Mahal? | Mausoleum | 62%
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In 1687, what Greek monument was severely damaged by an explosion? | Parthenon | 62%
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What killed over 1 million Ethiopians in the early 1980s? | Famine | 60%
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Serbia | What ethnic group migrated into the Balkans (and also Russia) from the 5th to 10th century A.D.? | Slavs | 60%
What Portuguese explorer reached India by going around Africa? | Vasco Da Gama | 60%
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What country did Peru fight against in the War of the Pacific? | Chile | 59%
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In what city, starting with F, was a madrassa founded in 859 AD that some people call the world's oldest university? | Fez | 59%
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Cambodia | What empire ruled Cambodia from the 9th to 15th centuries? | Khmer Empire | 59%
What khan conquered China in 1279? | Kublai Khan | 59%
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Who was the leader of Yugoslavia from 1953-1980? | Josip Broz Tito | 58%
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What was the last Chinese dynasty? | Qing Dynasty | 58%
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What group of people did the British go to war with in 1880 and 1899? | Boers | 57%
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On what island was Spain's first permanent settlement in the New World? | Hispaniola | 57%
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Canada | What Viking famously settled in Eastern Canada around 1000 AD? | Leif Erikson | 57%
On what tiny island in the Atlantic did Napoleon die? | St. Helena | 57%
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Brazil | What cash crop was, by the mid-16th century, Brazil's most important export? | Sugar | 57%
What was the most important city in Greece during the Middle Ages? (Hint: It starts with T) | Thessaloniki | 57%
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Which Roman emperor moved the capital of the empire to Turkey? | Constantine | 56%
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What group raided Baghdad in 1258? | Mongols | 56%
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United States | What religious group first settled Pennsylvania? | Quakers | 56%
What saint helped convert the area to Christianity, and is the namesake of the alphabet used by many Eastern European countries? | St. Cyril | 56%
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What was the first country to secede from the USSR? | Lithuania | 55%
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What spice, starting with N, did Dutch traders export from Indonesia? | Nutmeg | 55%
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Who wrote "Les Misérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame"? | Victor Hugo | 55%
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Who was the first president of the Russian federation? | Boris Yeltsin | 54%
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What northern city was hit by Japanese air raids during WWII? | Darwin | 53%
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What German general's advance into Egypt was halted at El Alamein in 1942? | Erwin Rommel | 53%
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What British dominion joined Canada in 1949? | Newfoundland | 53%
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What religion, started in the 15th century, teaches its followers to wear five items, including a small knife? | Sikhism | 53%
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What was the capital of the Inca Empire? | Cusco | 52%
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In which state was the first battle of the American Revolution fought? | Massachusetts | 52%
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What Thomas Edison invention was a predecessor to the record player? | Phonograph | 52%
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What war did Great Britain fight against France between 1756 and 1763? | Seven Years War | 51%
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What was the title of the Iranian monarch prior to the 1979 revolution? | Shah | 51%
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During what war did the U.S. capture the city of Toronto, then known as York? | War of 1812 | 51%
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What U.S. general fled the Japanese invasion of the islands in 1942, but returned two years later? | Douglas MacArthur | 50%
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Which Argentinian first lady was nicknamed "Evita"? | Eva Peron | 50%
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What was the last Muslim city in Spain? | Granada | 50%
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Who led France during the radical phase of the French Revolution? | Maximilien Robespierre | 50%
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What building was destroyed by the Romans 70 AD? | Second Temple | 50%
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Morocco | What seafaring people established the city of Tangier before 800 BC? | Phoenicians | 49%
Turkey | What city in Turkey was supposedly destroyed in 1180 BC? | Troy | 48%
And what was the capital of the above empire? | Angkor | 47%
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Saudi Arabia | According to the Quran, what cubic black structure was built by Abraham and Ishmael? | Kaaba | 47%
Iran | What was the most popular religion in Iran prior to Islam? | Zoroastrianism | 47%
Ethiopia | What was Ethiopia known as prior to the 1600s? | Abyssinia | 46%
Who was Prime Minister when Britain voted to leave the EU? | David Cameron | 46%
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Indonesia | What "upright" hominid species inhabited Indonesia as far back as two million years ago? | Homo erectus | 46%
What Norwegian explorer was the first person to reach the South Pole? | Roald Amundsen | 45%
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What was Australian prime minister Harold Holt doing when he disappeared in 1967? | Swimming | 45%
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What Spaniard conquered most of Peru? | Francisco Pizarro | 44%
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What legendary sailor of the seven seas hailed from Basra? | Sinbad | 44%
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What was the term for Austria's merger into Germany in 1938? | Anschluss | 43%
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What was the name of the Australopithecus skeleton discovered in Ethiopia in 1974? | Lucy | 43%
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What appeared in the skies over Chelyabinsk in 2013? | Meteor | 43%
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What scientific device was greatly improved by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek? | Microscope | 42%
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Norway | What four-letter word is the term for an oral history of the Norse people? | Saga | 42%
What telegram was sent to Mexico in 1917 in an attempt to convince them to invade the U.S? | Zimmerman Telegram | 42%
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Name one of the three Arab caliphates which ruled Iran. | Rashidun, Umayyad, or Abbasid | 41%
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What currency was introduced in 1994 as part of a successful campaign to stop hyperinflation? | Real | 41%
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Who was the first "Great" emperor of Persia? | Cyrus the Great | 40%
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Who was emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974? | Haile Selassie | 40%
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What word refers to an Israeli agricultural commune? | Kibbutz | 39%
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Who was the dictator of the Philippines from 1972-1981? (hint: his wife had a large shoe collection) | Ferdinand Marcos | 35%
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Who, in 1611, explored much of Northern Canada while seeking the Northwest Passage? | Henry Hudson | 35%
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What political party has dominated South Africa since 1994? | African National Congress | 34%
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Near what small town was Leonardo born? | Vinci | 32%
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What notorious Nazi was captured by Israeli agents in Argentina in 1960? | Adolf Eichmann | 31%
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Who was the only woman to rule the Austrian empire? | Maria Theresa | 30%
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Who was dictator of Cuba before that? | Fulgencio Batista | 28%
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Who was Pakistan's only female Prime Minister? | Benazir Bhutto | 23%
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What volcano lowered global temperatures when it erupted in 1991? | Mount Pinatubo | 22%
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Who was the first president of Indonesia? | Sukarno | 22%
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What Japanese-Peruvian President helped defeat Shining Path terrorists but was convicted of crimes against humanity? | Alberto Fujimori | 16%
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What was the first empire to unite India? | Maurya Empire | 16%
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Who was the Canadian Prime Minister during World War II? | Mackenzie King | 12%
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What priest is often considered to be the father of the Mexican nation? | Miguel Hidalgo | 11%
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