Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Created many sketches for flying machines | Leonardo Da Vinci | 94%
Sculpted "The David" | Michelangelo | 93%
"Discovered" the Americas | Christopher Columbus | 92%
Discovered the Moons of Jupiter | Galileo | 85%
Started the Protestant Reformation | Martin Luther | 83%
Invented the Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg | 82%
Told storied of China to the Italians | Marco Polo | 75%
Sometimes called the greatest writer of all time | William Shakespeare | 72%
Wrote the "Divine Comedy" | Dante Alighieri | 69%
Said the Sun was at the center of the Solar System | Nicolaus Copernicus | 67%
First of a large Florentine Dynasty | Cosimo de Medici | 65%
Wrote a book on how to gain power | Niccolò Machiavelli | 60%
Painted The "School of Athens | Raphael | 60%
Killed the Aztecs | Hernán Cortés | 54%
Reached India from Portugal | Vasco de Gama | 50%
Spanish Painter originally from Greece | El Greco | 39%
Explored much of Canada | Henry Hudson | 33%
Explored much of Newfoundland | John Cabot | 17%
Brought back Roman architecture | Filippo Brunelleschi | 15%
Wrote books criticizing the church | Erasmus | 14%