
Territory Changes in World War I

Can you name every country whose territory was different in 1923 than it was at the start of WWI?
Does not include countries that existed for only a few years such as the Kingdom of Hejaz
Quiz by WolfCam
Last updated: May 19, 2019
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First submittedJanuary 26, 2019
Times taken38,462
Average score77.4%
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Gained Territory
New Guinea and other
Pacific islands
Land in Africa and Europe
Lands in Europe, Africa,
and the Middle East
Western Thrace
Trieste, Zadar, South Tyrol,
and other small possessions
Scattered lands around
the Pacific
Parts of Samoa
New Zealand
Lands in Eastern Europe
Lands in Africa
South Africa
Lands in Africa and the
Middle East
United Kingdom
Newly Independent
Irish Free State
Lost Territory
Lands in the Balkans
Lands on the Pacific coast
Lost lands in Europe
Africa, Asia, and Oceania
Lands in Eastern Europe
Lands in Europe
United Kingdom
Ottoman Empire
Merged into Another Nation
Level ∞
May 14, 2019
Warning: This quiz might need to be reset based on user feedback. I'm not sure its 100% accurate in its current form.
Level 90
May 14, 2019
Here comes the Tuva debate. Blast you, Richard Feynman.
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
The quiz is now in the final form for now. Thanks to @WolfCam for all his research.
Level 70
May 14, 2019
No offense but here just the most obvious flaws: 1) The title is misleading, there had been a lot territorial chanes during WW1. It should be rather "Territory Changes due to WW1". 2) Turkey is missing at all. 3) Germany lost territories in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. 4) Italy got South Tyrol. 5) Poland was newly independent! 6) Serbia and Montenegro merged to Yugoslavia: 6a) Yugoslavia was not "newly" independent and 6b) Serbia and Montenegro have to be on the same category on this list. 7) The category "collapsed" is misleading and arbitrary. These states had been scattered by external forces (i.e. the peace treaties), not by internal "collapses". 8) Germany was forces by Wilson to abolish the monarchy and lost far larger (nominal) territories and ethnical diversity than Austria-Hungary or the Ottomans. Accordingly, also the Secong German Empire "collapsed". Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and Germany should be in the same catagory on this list.
Level 84
May 15, 2019
Well, there was the newly independent State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs that later merged with Serbia into the newly created Yugoslavia, Serbia having already annexed some parts of Austria-Hungary and anschlussed Montenegro.
Level 68
Jan 23, 2022
Anschluss is not a general term,it is only to be used ONCE,during the German annexation of Austria in 1938
Level 87
May 15, 2019
3 et 5 ok. 7: The collapsing of the ottoman empire was because of the war but was still internal. You know of Ataturk, right? 8: No, the war ended because there was a kind of revolution in Germany, to overthrow Lüdendorf and the Kaiser. Wilson has nothing to do in the democratic transition. Besides, Germany lost much territory but did not "collapse" as the Austrian-Hungarian empire did.
Level 68
May 16, 2019
I agree more with this. The only powerful thing Wilson did was enact the Marshall plan, which tanked the German economy, causing hysterical inflation. That, and combined with France issuing monetary war reparations.

All of which understandable when losing a war, but did cause severe issues (and probably the rise of the Browncoats).

Level 70
May 16, 2019
7) The treaty of Severe dismantled the Ottoman Empire. However, as a fun fact, afterwards the Ottoman Empire still existed until Ataturk came. So technically the Ottoman Empire die not at all collapsed during or immediately after WW I. 8) Wilson declared the abdiction of the Emperor as a requirement for peace/an armistice on November 1 1918. From this date on, the OHL pressed Wilhelm II to abdict. This was only important reasons why the military did not intervene in the revolution on November 9. I admit Wilson only asked for Wilhelm II to abdict and not to abolish the monarchy is general. But history is never that monocausal as it is taught in school.

Level 70
May 16, 2019
I am not sure whether the comment on the Marshall plan is a typo or just trolling?
Level 87
May 16, 2019
I think he mixed up. Of course, everything is complicated, but you must know that the German population was under extreme pressure under the rule of Lüdendorf... Wilson may have been a catalyst but it's the Germans themselves who did it. As for the Ottoman empire, as I said, the remnant became Turkey in 1922, which is already a few years after the war indeed, but is within the quiz limit of 1923...
Level 68
Jul 5, 2019
Thanks, Arp. I was in the wrong war for the Marshall Plan. Please disregard, Fish.
Level 78
May 15, 2019
Yes, Serbia is missing. It was fully independent country before WW 1.
Level 66
Mar 22, 2021
Merged into Yugoslavia
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
@TheLastFish. You seem very knowledgeable about the subject. I'd encourage you to make your own quizzes and I'd look forward to taking them.
Level 52
Sep 9, 2024
well thats rare
Level 63
Jan 16, 2020
Forgot to mention the creation of the Irish free state had been agreed upon before the war and was simply delayed by the war, not caused by it. Both the Irish provisional government and Irish Free State were completely neutral in both world wars.
Level 70
May 14, 2019
9) I argue that the transition from the Russian Empire -> Soviet Union (+ several small new states) is qualitatively the same as e.g. for Austria-Hungary -> Austria (+ Hungary +...). Accordingly the Russian Empire should be in the same category as the other "collapsed" empires. 10) "Newly independent": Has, e.g., Austria become independent? From whom? The Habsburgs? See issues 8 and 9.
Level 87
May 15, 2019
9: Austria-Hungary was totally scattered. The Russian revolution is a major political change, but the country was not destroyed, and its territory in 1923 was not very smaller than in 1914. 10: As I said, Austria-Hungary was totally scattered. Of course it seems a bit silly to say that Austria was "newly independant" but it's technically true and I don't see what else you could say in such a quiz.
Level 87
May 15, 2019
The ottoman empire collapsed indeed, and its remnant became Turkey around 1922, so Turkey should be added in "newly independant".
Level 76
May 15, 2019
Shouldn't you call it the Soviet Union in 1923 rather than Russia?
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
Soviet Union is accepted.
Level 75
May 15, 2019
First, please accept Rumania as a type-in for Romania. Secondly, add Turkey. Also, Italy gained South Tyrol
Level 32
May 15, 2019
I honestly think you should call it Free City Gdańsk instead of Danzig.
Level 56
May 15, 2019
It was known as Danzig until after World War II.
Level 82
May 24, 2019
And in German its still called Danzig.
Level 66
May 15, 2019
Changes are pending but I tried to fix many of the issues that were mentioned here. Please tell me if anything else needs fixing. Also, I've decided to keep it as Russia because, although it was the Soviet Union in 1923, it was Russia when it lost those lands.
Level 38
May 17, 2019
First of all - thanks for this quiz, it's a good one. A couple of further suggestions. Belgium also gained land in Europe - Eupen and Malmedy. You could also add a separate category of 'League of Nations administered' to cover the Saar basin. It wasn't reincorporated into Germany until 1935.
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
Thanks @WolfCam.
Level 32
May 16, 2019
You are missing country of Serbs Croats and slovenes(SHS) that later became Kingdom SHS when merged with Serbia and Montenegro. There was no such thing as Jugoslavija untill the dictatorship of 1929. It seems Like quite a hard quizz to be put together with all those little details happening after WW1 but I Like it.
Level 80
May 16, 2019
Level 84
May 24, 2019
The State of SCS is excluded because it falls in the short-lived category. The Kingdom of SCS was informally and also internationally called Yugoslavia right from the beginning, e.g. at olympic games.
Level 80
May 16, 2019
Missed only the Baltic countries..........
Level 80
Jun 28, 2019
Now missed Danzig
Level 94
May 16, 2019
Kingdom of Hejaz?
Level 94
May 16, 2019
First Republic of Armenia?
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
Had the same territory in 1914 as it did in 1923. Zero.
Level 79
Jun 18, 2019
The First Republic of Armenia was established in 1918, after the collapse of the Russian Empire
Level 81
May 16, 2019
I somehow managed to get everything except Poland. >_< and was also wondering about some Arabian powers particularly the Kingdom of Hejaz.
Level ∞
May 19, 2019
Added a caveat to exclude the Kingdom of Hejaz
Level 73
May 31, 2019
I got everything but Danzig, which in truth I did not heretofore know was once a city-state/country. Tough quiz!
Level 71
May 16, 2019
24/29 but some of the ones I missed I was considering and didn't have time for.
Level 29
May 16, 2019
Aah. You tricked me with Irish Free State quizmaster - I was thinking purely in terms of WWI
Level 90
May 21, 2019
The Irish didn't want to get mowed down by the thousands for the talking heads in London. The waters around Ireland took a large portion of the submarine attacks, including upon smaller coastal sail cargo. The war was a major catalyst in the push for independence. Notably, Ireland stayed completely out of the Second World War.
Level 79
Jun 18, 2019
Portugal gained Kionga from German East Africa also.
Level 71
Jun 28, 2019
I think the Khanate of Khiva and the Emirate of Bukhara were autonomous subjects of the Empire of Russia until they were formally integrated to the Soviet Union in 1920.

By the way, if you consider Turkey as a different country from the Ottoman Empire, shouldn't you also distinguish Russia and USSR and treat the latter as a newly independent country?

Level 74
Jun 28, 2019
I don't think Danzig should be taken account in this quiz. Danzig wasn't an independent country but it was just a free city under the League of Nations and it practically was mostly controlled by Poland in terms of economic leverages, etc. If we want to include Danzig as a newly independent state, we would need to include Saarland as well, and probaby those mandates as well.
Level 78
Jun 28, 2019
My new favorite quiz. I have many favorites, but this one is classier than the nba ones
Level 42
Jul 31, 2019
Russian Empire should have been present in the "Dissolved" group, of course. That should be changed
Level 60
May 19, 2020
The Soviet Union was newly independent
Level 64
Sep 29, 2020
I forgot only one thing: Poland...
Level 25
May 15, 2022
Level 60
Dec 3, 2020
Wait what land did Germany lose in Asia?
Level 66
Jan 26, 2021
Some colony I can't remember. Think it was like in China.
Level 61
Jun 5, 2021
Level 57
Apr 18, 2021
Missing Portugal in countries that gained territory. Kionga triangle in former German East Africa was ceded to Portuguese Mozambique (
Level 66
Apr 27, 2021
Yes. I was about to say that as well. Add Portugal plz
Level 57
Feb 11, 2022
Can you please make more?
Level 25
May 15, 2022
I thought Portugal gained land in Africa.

And also I thought Ireland was a country in 1923 and ww1 ended in 1918 so 5 years apart or am I wrong?

Level 61
May 16, 2022
I wrote czechslovakia a thousand times and couldn't figeru out why it didnt work. :(
Level 71
Oct 15, 2022
Neutral Moresnet ceased to exist in 1920.
Level 62
Oct 19, 2022
Level 52
Nov 23, 2022
Great quiz! (only missed Montenegro)
Level 69
Mar 1, 2023
Saudi Arabia almost makes the cut for this list.
Level 72
May 4, 2023
I wouldn't include Danzig as an "independent" country, that's quite a bastardisation of that particular adjective.
Level 53
Apr 12, 2024
cant believe i forgot the city i live in (which was a country back then)
Level 29
Aug 29, 2024
Can i translate it to german?
Level 33
Oct 24, 2024
If Turkey and the Ottoman Empire are being counted as separate countries so should the Soviet Union and Russia