The question should be reworded to something like, "According to the theory of evolution and collected evidence, which is believed to have come first, birds or insects?" If you don't believe the Bible, then there is still no way to say for sure which came first as there is no written history from that time. The theory of evolution is simply scientists answer to how life came to be based on theories, not fact. So the question really should be changed. Scientists have not determined without a doubt how life began, they only have theories.
This is actually a common misconception to say it's "just a theory." In Science, for something to be a theory, it has to have so much evidence backing it up that it essentially will never be disproven. It's the "Theory" of Evolution because we have mountains of evidence that support it. Germs, atoms, and tectonic plates are also subjects of other theories because their existence has been proved over and over.
Written history is by no means the gold standard of knowledge! It is notoriously unreliable, especially in the face of actual evidence-driven science, which the theory of evolution is.
Bach was not a Classical composer - he was a Baroque composer. And Beethoven's early works were Classical, but some of his later works would more appropriately be classified as being in the Romantic period.
"Classical" is being used as an umbrella term here. If you know that about the composers, then you know which one came first and can answer the question.
The common people use "Classical" as an umbrella term. That's wrong in the music world. It would be like calling 90s dance music disco. It might have some similarities, but the era of disco is very specific.
Really nice quiz with a good mix of everything! I dug deep in my 'general knowledge' brain part and I got 14/18! I just missed the Facebook (1), California (4), Speed (17) and Hawaii (18) one.
I'm impressed that folks get at least one question right a good bit worse than chance! There are a bunch that most people apparently don't know, but one that most people know wrong.
All but the iPhone and Facebook one, though some were lucky guesses. Really had no idea on Appalachians vs Andes - often it seems lower mountain ranges are older because of gradually eroding away whilst higher ones are the result of more recent tectonic activity pushing them up. In the end I ignored that reasoning and went with Andes, because I have memories of them appearing on deep history maps even before South America had clearly formed. That turned out to be right. Good quiz.
If you meant based on the fact that they're higher, then it's actually the opposite! High mountains are usually very young, having only recently been pushed up without much time to have been worn away by erosion. Older mountains have been filed down by wind and water, and so are lower and more rounded.
It's the egg. If you think about it in evolutionary terms, the first proper chicken came out of an egg laid by something that you could call a proto-chicken. Science!
Good point. As always, this debate simply comes down to semantics. Do we define a chicken egg as any egg that comes out of a chicken? If a chicken somehow laid an egg and then hatched a platypus, would you say that it was amazing how a platypus came out of a chicken egg? Or would you say it's amazing how a platypus egg came out of a chicken?
It doesn't come down to semantics. Egg-laying animals obviously came a very very long time before chickens, but even if you restrict the question to chickens: it would be very arbitrary to designate a "first chicken", since evolution happens in populations, not individuals, but even disregarding this, the fact is that the egg is genetically identical to whatever hatches from it, not to whatever lays it. Therefore, a chicken can lay an egg that's slighlty different from a chicken (because of mutations), but a chicken can only hatch from an egg that's 100% chicken.
You're literally just making a semantic assumption. You're saying an egg is a chicken egg so long as a chicken comes out, even if laid by a proto-chicken. But some might define any egg from the keister of a proto-chicken as a proto-chicken egg.
There were only a few that i actually KNEW. One of which was actually Appalachians vs Andes. One way to remember relative ages of mountain ranges is how rounded vs jagged they are. If the range is lower and more rounded (like the Appalachians), they have been weathered over eons. Fun fact...the Appalachian mountains actually precede Pangea. The supercontinent was formed roughly 335 million years ago. The Appalachians are older than that by over 140 million years.
I find it far more disturbing that a relatively high percentage of people couldn't figure out that the control of fire came before the wheel. The rest of the questions are knowledge so you can lack some, nobody knows it all- but the fire/wheel question is just common sense and understanding the world around you.
You read through the Harry Potter books or see the movies once -- pretty common, considering they're a massive cultural phenomenon from the past twenty years -- and you can probably remember the order of the books. Meanwhile, you could listen to every available recording of every single piece of music Bach and Beethoven ever composed and still have no idea which of the two was born first.
Fact: You can tell age of mountains by just looking! Just see how the peaks look. If they're frayed and sharp, they're young, because nature didn't formed them. And if they're smooth they're very old, because nature formed them to this shape.
For some reason I'm really good at getting all but one or two and getting five points on multiple-choice JetPunk quizzes. I'm perpetually surprised by the low percent of people getting 100%, since my general knowledge isn't the most complete.
Enjoyed it, although James was the king of Scotland, before becoming king of both countries combined, so, being Scottish myself, seeing him described as king of England grates with me a bit. You could change James I to any pre-1600 English king, ie from before the Union of Crowns.
Feel free to be grated. He was absolutely a king of England, whether you like seeing him described that way or not. Weird hangup, a person can be more than one thing.
"What is a Bach"?