Definition | Para- word | % Correct |
To rewrite something in other words. | Paraphrase | 96%
A South American country. | Paraguay | 95%
A skydiving safety device. | Parachute | 86%
An organism that lives on or in another organism. | Parasite | 85%
Medical personnel who work in emergency situations. | Paramedics | 84%
An event relating to supernatural phenomena. | Paranormal | 79%
Like an umbrella for the sun. | Parasol | 77%
Lines that are equidistant at all points. | Parallel | 76%
Of the greatest importance or significance. | Paramount | 68%
A large public procession. | Parade | 64%
Unfounded suspicion of the motives of others. | Paranoia | 64%
A particular type of parrot. | Parakeet | 60%
A limit or boundary; a guideline. | Parameter | 55%
A self-contradictory statement. | Paradox | 51%
A specific type of curve. | Parabola | 48%
A secret lover. | Paramour | 46%
A state of supreme happiness; bliss. | Paradise | 44%
Paralysis of both lower limbs. | Paraplegia | 38%
A fuel also known as kerosene. | Paraffin | 30%
A model of excellence or perfection. | Paragon | 29%
Equipment necessary for a particular activity. | Paraphernalia | 23%
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