Quiz | Points | Best | Rating | Takes |
10'>Planets of the Solar System Quiz | 0 | - | 4.88 | 984,776 |
50'>Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants | 0 | - | 4.17 | 582,467 |
10'>7 Deadly Sins Quiz | 0 | - | 4.83 | 339,261 |
20'>Signs of the Zodiac Quiz | 0 | - | 4.41 | 191,479 |
10'>Name the 7 Dwarfs | 0 | - | 4.39 | 331,767 |
10'>Name the Harry Potter Books | 0 | - | 4.28 | 263,575 |
30'>Movies with Animals in the Title #1 | 0 | - | 4.16 | 172,996 |
20'>Famous Lines of Poetry #1 | 0 | - | 4.46 | 31,941 |
30'>Superhero Alter Egos | 0 | - | 4.27 | 143,100 |
20'>U.S. Chain Restaurant Menu | 0 | - | 4.01 | 133,193 |
20'>Movies with Food in the Title | 0 | - | 4.09 | 213,865 |
30'>Sidekicks Quiz | 0 | - | 4.20 | 102,817 |
20'>Horror Movie Taglines Quiz | 0 | - | 3.98 | 37,946 |
20'>Famous Robots and Aliens | 0 | - | 4.39 | 45,065 |
20'>Fast Math - Multiplication | 0 | - | 4.63 | 999,898 |
20'>Fast Math - Addition | 0 | - | 4.76 | 464,481 |
20'>Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz | 0 | - | 4.89 | 387,190 |
30'>"Of Something" Movie Titles | 0 | - | 4.35 | 148,759 |
30'>Harry Potter Last Names | 0 | - | 4.61 | 869,911 |
20'>Random Movie Quotes #3 | 0 | - | 4.03 | 119,751 |
30'>"And Something" Movie Titles | 0 | - | 4.19 | 177,011 |
50'>Popular Royal Names | 0 | - | 4.20 | 113,499 |
30'>Members of the British Royal Family | 0 | - | 4.08 | 107,793 |
30'>Movie Characters Quiz #1 | 0 | - | 4.30 | 202,561 |
30'>Books with Animals in the Title #1 | 0 | - | 4.41 | 63,560 |
30'>Books with Names in the Title Quiz #2 | 0 | - | 4.42 | 50,316 |
30'>Movies with Animals in the Title #2 | 0 | - | 4.23 | 100,573 |
20'>Super Short Movie Titles | 0 | - | 4.46 | 100,120 |
50'>Two Letter U.S. State Abbreviations | 0 | - | 4.07 | 685,399 |
100'>Name the Constellations Quiz | 0 | - | 4.48 | 40,275 |
20'>Sci-Fi Movie Quotes Quiz | 0 | - | 4.29 | 34,964 |
30'>Star Wars Characters | 0 | - | 4.32 | 146,506 |
50'>Colors by Letter | 0 | - | 4.21 | 151,251 |
20'>Godfather Quotes | 0 | - | 4.57 | 14,132 |
50'>Top 50 Comic Book Heroes | 0 | - | 3.89 | 72,515 |
30'>Disney Animated Characters | 0 | - | 4.86 | 566,431 |
20'>Harry Potter: Voldemort's Horcruxes | 0 | - | 4.37 | 103,518 |
30'>Harry Potter Spells | 0 | - | 4.19 | 128,033 |
500'>Avengers Team Members | 0 | - | 3.99 | 69,350 |
20'>Title in the Lyrics - Disney Songs | 0 | - | 4.34 | 117,369 |
20'>Disney Feature Films by Characters | 0 | - | 4.42 | 261,693 |
20'>Star Wars Planets | 0 | - | 4.57 | 46,739 |
50'>Marvel Superheroes | 0 | - | 4.33 | 260,232 |
100'>Top 100 Movie Quotes | 0 | - | 4.46 | 61,981 |
50'>Highest Grossing Superhero Movies | 0 | - | 4.26 | 151,360 |
500'>Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game | 0 | - | 4.95 | 455,902 |
30'>Movies with Names in the Title #1 | 0 | - | 4.14 | 104,686 |
30'>Batman Actors Quiz | 0 | - | 4.23 | 44,410 |
30'>Basic Harry Potter Quiz | 0 | - | 4.47 | 355,898 |
20'>Superhero Nicknames | 0 | - | 4.19 | 56,287 |
100'>Groups of Things - Harry Potter | 0 | - | 4.80 | 254,204 |
30'>Movie Title Antonyms #1 | 0 | - | 4.70 | 176,160 |
30'>Political Movements by Country | 0 | - | 4.43 | 66,886 |
20'>Horror Movie Quotes Quiz | 0 | - | 4.16 | 47,535 |
100'>All Disney Animated Movies | 0 | - | 4.82 | 372,309 |
100'>Most Valuable Brands Quiz | 0 | - | 4.27 | 122,080 |
20'>Horror Movie Villains | 0 | - | 4.21 | 74,262 |
30'>Big Lebowski Quotes Quiz | 0 | - | 4.19 | 12,660 |
50'>U.S. Senators by State | 0 | - | 4.48 | 31,462 |
30'>Sci-Fi Characters | 0 | - | 4.10 | 24,574 |
20'>Science Fiction Movie Co-Stars | 0 | - | 4.09 | 9,089 |
30'>Supervillain Alter Egos Quiz | 0 | - | 3.93 | 7,559 |
20'>Disney Villains | 0 | - | 4.26 | 135,081 |
30'>Lord of the Rings Characters | 0 | - | 4.51 | 103,183 |
20'>Monty Python Quotes | 0 | - | 4.84 | 39,742 |
20'>Star Wars Quotes | 0 | - | 4.85 | 151,240 |
20'>Star Wars Trivia #1 | 0 | - | 4.18 | 117,388 |
20'>Star Wars Trivia #2 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 61,144 |
50'>First Names of U.S. Presidents | 0 | - | 4.84 | 331,492 |
20'>Top Gun Quotes | 0 | - | 4.12 | 17,790 |
20'>Movie Titles by Synonyms #1 | 0 | - | 4.41 | 114,528 |
30'>Political Figures by Last Name #1 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 58,281 |
30'>Disney's "The Lion King" | 0 | - | 4.11 | 75,543 |
30'>Movie Characters A-Z | 0 | - | 4.08 | 44,936 |
30'>Anchorman Quotes | 0 | - | 3.71 | 9,239 |
30'>Mean Girls Quotes | 0 | - | 4.28 | 79,159 |
20'>Character to Author #1 | 0 | - | 4.47 | 39,908 |
20'>Character to Author #2 | 0 | - | 4.49 | 28,313 |
30'>Harry Potter A-Z | 0 | - | 4.38 | 195,808 |
50'>Batfacts: The Batman Quiz | 0 | - | 4.48 | 51,450 |
100'>X-Men Mutants | 0 | - | 4.01 | 41,142 |
20'>Game of Thrones Last Names | 0 | - | 4.41 | 90,136 |
30'>The Spiderman Quiz | 0 | - | 4.23 | 59,942 |
30'>Four-Letter Acronyms | 0 | - | 4.25 | 103,453 |
30'>Comic Book Characters by Last Name | 0 | - | 3.93 | 11,494 |
30'>WWII First Names | 0 | - | 4.44 | 37,651 |
30'>Star Wars A-Z | 0 | - | 4.37 | 69,441 |
30'>A to Z: Movie Quotes | 0 | - | 4.27 | 31,305 |
30'>One Letter Answers #1 | 0 | - | 4.42 | 55,601 |
50'>Disney's Frozen - Let It Go Lyrics | 0 | - | 4.38 | 60,219 |
30'>Movie Title Antonyms #2 | 0 | - | 4.41 | 70,688 |
50'>Word Puzzles - Movie Titles | 0 | - | 4.35 | 26,585 |
50'>Word Puzzles - Movie Titles #2 | 0 | - | 3.68 | 11,765 |
100'>Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention | 0 | - | 4.95 | 337,242 |
10'>Guardians of the Galaxy | 0 | - | 4.11 | 8,778 |
50'>American Revolution Decoder | 0 | - | 4.12 | 19,672 |
30'>U.S. Civil War Decoder | 0 | - | 4.04 | 23,677 |
30'>WWII Decoder | 0 | - | 4.42 | 47,455 |
30'>Cold War Decoder | 0 | - | 4.63 | 45,805 |
30'>Star Wars Decoder | 0 | - | 4.51 | 69,647 |
10'>Name the Star Wars Movies | 0 | - | 4.42 | 85,281 |
30'>Geography Decoder | 0 | - | 4.46 | 70,207 |
30'>Astronomy Decoder | 0 | - | 4.50 | 34,370 |
30'>4-Letter Literature Chain | 0 | - | 4.42 | 39,043 |
50'>Continental Geography Decoder | 0 | - | 4.42 | 47,730 |
30'>Superhero Decoder | 0 | - | 4.36 | 49,213 |
30'>Lord of the Rings Decoder | 0 | - | 4.60 | 38,118 |
50'>US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint | 0 | - | 4.39 | 258,566 |
30'>Europe Geography Decoder | 0 | - | 4.87 | 61,478 |
30'>Science Decoder | 0 | - | 4.44 | 26,928 |
50'>Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies | 0 | - | 4.85 | 265,715 |
10'>Chess Pieces (With Board and Pictures!) | 0 | - | 4.46 | 66,847 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #1 | 0 | - | 4.68 | 2,012,782 |
30'>Marvel Comics Movie Franchises | 0 | - | 4.14 | 86,635 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #2 | 0 | - | 4.62 | 1,415,717 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #3 | 0 | - | 4.28 | 1,022,541 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #5 | 0 | - | 4.32 | 880,685 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #4 | 0 | - | 4.39 | 826,880 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #6 | 0 | - | 4.18 | 617,528 |
10'>World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #1 | 0 | - | 4.96 | 101,095 |
10'>World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #2 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 61,298 |
20'>Superman Facts | 0 | - | 4.14 | 19,573 |
20'>Obfuscations of Movie Titles #1 | 0 | - | 4.85 | 49,527 |
20'>Fast Math - Double That Number! | 0 | - | 4.70 | 530,766 |
20'>Han Solo Quiz | 0 | - | 4.52 | 23,999 |
20'>Fast Decimal to Binary Conversion | 0 | - | 4.57 | 32,851 |
100'>Marvel Cinematic Universe - Actor to Character | 0 | - | 4.10 | 96,007 |
20'>Divided World City Name Puzzle #1 | 0 | - | 4.90 | 37,794 |
50'>Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 4.56 | 75,797 |
30'>Star Wars Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 4.33 | 94,228 |
20'>Batman Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 3.97 | 26,102 |
30'>Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 4.55 | 61,862 |
30'>Harry Potter Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 4.20 | 118,634 |
20'>Fast Math - Subtraction Quiz | 0 | - | 4.48 | 50,264 |
10'>Justice League Team - Movie Edition | 0 | - | 4.23 | 9,892 |
10'>Strongest Nation Brands | 0 | - | 4.51 | 32,860 |
20'>Avengers Infinity War Deaths | 0 | - | 4.15 | 39,139 |
30'>MCU Characters by Screen Time | 0 | - | 4.12 | 87,917 |
30'>Movie Titles by Emoji | 0 | - | 4.37 | 102,831 |
20'>Small Countries with Large Economies | 0 | - | 4.61 | 59,297 |
20'>Fast Math - Division | 0 | - | 4.52 | 100,068 |
20'>Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #1 | 0 | - | 4.45 | 42,609 |
20'>U.S. Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions | 0 | - | 4.41 | 31,215 |
30'>Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #2 | 0 | - | 4.51 | 29,521 |
20'>Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #3 | 0 | - | 4.43 | 36,724 |
20'>European Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions | 0 | - | 4.49 | 39,939 |
20'>Category Elimination - Countries #1 | 0 | - | 4.99 | 273,091 |
20'>Name a Valid U.S. President #1 | 0 | - | 4.92 | 159,116 |
20'>Category Elimination - Countries #2 | 0 | - | 4.98 | 199,192 |
50'>Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map | 0 | - | 5.00 | 208,788 |
20'>Category Elimination - Countries #3 | 0 | - | 4.98 | 190,748 |
20'>Category Elimination - U.S. States #1 | 0 | - | 4.91 | 186,130 |
30'>Movie Titles with Shared First Words #1 | 0 | - | 4.46 | 39,623 |
20'>MCU Actors by Picture | 0 | - | 4.36 | 67,432 |
20'>Clothing Brand Logos | 0 | - | 4.18 | 174,549 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #7 | 0 | - | 4.31 | 492,169 |
20'>Category Elimination - Countries #4 | 0 | - | 4.99 | 162,298 |
20'>Brand Logos Quiz #8 | 0 | - | 4.25 | 420,478 |
20'>Category Elimination - U.S. States #2 | 0 | - | 4.82 | 109,667 |
30'>Name an Official Language A-Z | 0 | - | 4.88 | 128,933 |
50'>Random Sequential European Countries on a Map | 0 | - | 4.99 | 196,158 |
20'>Random Brand Logos | 0 | - | 4.40 | 340,197 |
20'>Name a Valid U.S. President #2 | 0 | - | 4.48 | 49,426 |
20'>Name a Valid Answer - World War II | 0 | - | 4.48 | 45,441 |
100'>Random Sequential African Countries on a Map | 0 | - | 5.00 | 111,805 |
50'>Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map | 0 | - | 4.99 | 103,875 |
500'>Random Sequential Countries on the World Map | 0 | - | 5.00 | 437,310 |
20'>Category Elimination - Capital Cities #1 | 0 | - | 4.89 | 110,420 |
20'>Category Elimination - Countries #5 | 0 | - | 4.63 | 122,392 |
20'>Category Elimination - Disney Animated Movies | 0 | - | 4.03 | 40,619 |
20'>Fruits: No Vowels | 0 | - | 4.69 | 69,712 |
20'>Vegetables: No Vowels | 0 | - | 4.71 | 65,102 |
30'>Name a World Capital A-Z | 0 | - | 5.00 | 135,719 |
30'>Shakespearean Phrases | 0 | - | 4.47 | 33,095 |
20'>Category Elimination - European Geography #1 | 0 | - | 4.94 | 192,135 |
20'>Soft Drink Brand Logos | 0 | - | 4.20 | 151,323 |
500'>Random Sequential Countries on the World Map - Hard Version | 0 | - | 5.00 | 58,259 |
10'>Flag Coloring Book Puzzle #1 | 0 | - | 4.94 | 143,067 |
20'>Category Elimination - Official Languages | 0 | - | 4.96 | 56,280 |
20'>Disney's Frozen Quiz | 0 | - | 4.35 | 20,119 |
30'>Disney's Frozen 2 - Into the Unknown Lyrics | 0 | - | 4.14 | 13,231 |
20'>Random Sequential Oceanic Countries on a Map | 0 | - | 4.97 | 21,425 |
20'>20 Random Countries Sequentially on a World Map | 0 | - | 4.61 | 102,443 |
20'>Category Elimination - Elements | 0 | - | 4.50 | 45,869 |
30'>Top Five Countries by Random Categories | 0 | - | 4.96 | 101,948 |
20'>Random Countries Hidden in the World Map | 0 | - | 4.83 | 85,485 |
30'>Name a Valid Country A-Z | 0 | - | 4.95 | 76,875 |
20'>Name a Disney/Pixar Movie A-Z | 0 | - | 4.79 | 27,136 |
20'>Category Elimination - European Geography #2 | 0 | - | 4.98 | 136,651 |
20'>Category Elimination - Capital Cities #2 | 0 | - | 4.84 | 65,051 |
20'>Category Elimination - European Countries #1 | 0 | - | 4.80 | 73,513 |
20'>Category Elimination - European Geography #3 | 0 | - | 4.87 | 61,253 |
20'>Category Elimination - Asian Geography #1 | 0 | - | 4.80 | 88,957 |
20'>Category Elimination - African Geography #1 | 0 | - | 4.85 | 76,557 |
20'>Category Elimination - Asian Geography #2 | 0 | - | 4.95 | 78,688 |
20'>Obfuscations of Movie Titles #2 | 0 | - | 4.51 | 42,434 |
20'>6-Letter Movie Chain #3 | 0 | - | 4.41 | 31,469 |
30'>4-Letter Movie Chain #3 | 0 | - | 4.47 | 42,139 |
20'>Category Elimination - Country Flags #1 | 0 | - | 4.96 | 120,031 |
30'>Name a Country A-Z | 0 | - | 5.00 | 186,869 |