Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Largest city and home to North Dakota State | Fargo | 100%
Capital and second largest city, known for art-deco | Bismarck | 95%
Fourth largest city known for its airforce base | Minot | 83%
North Dakota is the largest producer of this crop | Wheat | 78%
Popular state nickname: _____ ______ State | Peace Garden | 76%
National park and habitat for bison and prairie dogs | Theodore Roosevelt | 76%
sports goods and entertainment store HQed in Fargo | Scheels | 63%
Small town on the Minnesota-North Dakota border | Grand Forks | 49%
Historic landmark and fort in McLean County | Fort Mandan | 27%
History museum in Fargo with historic village buildings | Bonanzaville | 20%
Less popular state nickname: _____ _____ State | Rough Rider | 17%
Trading post and national historic site on the border | Fort Union | 12%
Small town/state park located on the Sheyenne River | Fort Ransom | 10%
4,600 acres state park near Lake Sakakawea | Little Missouri | 5%
State park home to a Native American village | Fort Abraham Lincoln | 2%
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