Ready to track some people? Good to hear! All my ward mates are here. Three are in my column and the one who’s great at cooking is in B3.
Haha, very funny, Gilan. But since you, yes you, who are solving this ridiculous riddle, since you are reading this, we ought to be at the end!
As a Ranger, you need to be able to handle many clues at the same time. Have you completed A3?
*with a smug smile* The baron in D4 believes his jokes to be very ill-treated. And the final person for you to guess is the famous ranger with perfectly well-kempt hair and a perfectly nice temper!
To the left of my teacher is... how to word this politely... well, my rival.
Thanks Will! Let’s see, the only women in this task are in this row, and ... Oh, I need to run – the big Skandian below me wants yet more ale.
Will’s best friend, and one of my close friends, is right below him.
Do not forget Will’s scribe ward mate in A4.
*clears throat* This table contains a row with three horses, one battlehorse and two Ranger horses, adjacent to each other, sorted from left to right in alphabetic order, and in fact, in descending order of number of letters in their names, as well as ...
What’s wrong with ale?! And as to this task *wide gesticulations* Gorlog’s beard, I hate things requiring brains!!! ... Okay, next to me is the king of the country I’ve promised not to raid.
I admire your eloquence, Erak ... There are only Rangers in Row 1, and the Corps Commander is in Column C.
But they are! Try yourself. Look at Row 2, and remove the ‘a’ from the knight’s name. Notice anything? That’s what I say. People hereabouts have no sense of humour.