Follow the rules. Spelling and continent sorting according to the Jetpunk country quiz, unless otherwise stated.
Red = Asia. Yellow = North America or Oceania. Blue = Africa or Europe.
Spiral inwards in a clockwise direction, i.e. across the top row, then down, back across the bottom row, etc.
Start with A. Finish with Z. No country with W or X. If more than one country starts with a given letter, take the country that comes first alphabetically.
Alphabetic sorting based on the first word that is not ‘The’, e.g. ‘The United States’ would be sorted under U.
The first box is where the quiz opens. Therefore, it should start with A, not N; maybe you went the wrong way around. As for the colour, unfortunately, whenever a box is highlighted it will appear yellow, because of the ‘yellow box’ setting. Try press another box, and you will see the red colour in box A. So, red for Asia and starting with A; does that answer your question?
I was confused at first too but if you click off of it, it will turn red. It's an unfortunate flaw that the highlighted boxes are the same color as some that aren't, especially with it being on the first one. But when one is highlighted there is a thin border around it to remind you what color it is in case you wanted to try again.
I would recommend doing this, yes. I spent about 3 minutes wondering why Antigua didn't work, and thinking the quiz was broken (or that I didn't understand the rules) until I happened to click on another box and the lightbulb went on.
I think that just swapping the red and yellow colours (and continents to which they correspond) would help greatly, as you would then be starting on a yellow box, making it gettable. (And progressing to box #2 should make it obvious what's going on, as it did for me.)
Two suggestions: #1 Change the yellow boxes to green so that there won't be any confusion as to which box is highlighted in yellow; #2 Allow the standard JetPunk typeins for the country names (KSA, Congo, etc.)
Great quiz overall, but I think these two adjustments will make it top-level.
yes please i agree. i don't see how it could make the quiz easier if the spelling "congo" was allowed since you still have to think about how it actually starts with d or r to try it
this is a great quiz, although we were stuck on F, D, and R as they were not the usual JetPunk names for the three countries: We are used to seeing Congo, Congo and Micronesia!
I was about halfway through when I realized it wasn't the first alphabetically, but the first alphabetically on that continent(s). Other than that I had a fun time :-)
The quizz is so nice until you get frustrated because you lost on 3 countries that you tried and that did not get accepted because you require the full length name instead of the country quiz writing.
You should accept ROC and Micronesia, but otherwise this is a fun quiz, once I realised that it was a spiral! Snaking to me meant that it would go from left to right, then right to left, but it's a small matter!
EDIT: Okay, so there's a thin line around the highlighted box that tells you what color it is supposed to be continent-wise. But another issue is that it doesn't actually go in alphabetical order spiraling in, it moves out of order, which I don't think is clearly explained in the beginning. I also agree with another commenter who said that "snaking", to most people, means left to right, then right to left, etc., so that's also confusing. Cool concept but very confusing.
The problem is that, since you can only answer one at a time, it highlights the box you're working on as yellow. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the continent is yellow... so that's a bummer because there's no way, for instance, to know what color to start with. HINT: Start with Asia (red).
Very nice quiz. But I think it's inconsistent to use Federated States of Micronesia as F and Republic of Congo as R but not doing that for other country names such as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or Republic of Yemen.
"If more than one country starts with a given letter, take the country that comes first alphabetically." Shouldn't H be Haiti rather than Hungary, then?
I think that just swapping the red and yellow colours (and continents to which they correspond) would help greatly, as you would then be starting on a yellow box, making it gettable. (And progressing to box #2 should make it obvious what's going on, as it did for me.)
Great quiz overall, but I think these two adjustments will make it top-level.
The problem is that, since you can only answer one at a time, it highlights the box you're working on as yellow. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the continent is yellow... so that's a bummer because there's no way, for instance, to know what color to start with. HINT: Start with Asia (red).