Summer joystick config
Uwa So Heats
CORE monsters
Stronger Monsters
MTT Resort Theme
Cooking Show Jetpack Minigame
Can You Really Call This a Hotel, I Didn't Receive a Mint on My Pillow or Anything
Love between the royal guards theme
Mettaton's News Report
Live Report
Bombs Minigame
Death Report
Boss Theme: Muffet
Spider Dance
Boss Theme: So Sorry
Wrong Enemy
Mettaton Opera Song
Oh! One True Love
Tile Puzzle in the dungeon
Oh! Dungeon
Sans Date
It's Raining Somewhere Else
Between MTT Resort and CORE
CORE Approach
CORE Theme
Plays before mettaton EX fights you
Last Episode
Plays when Mettaton becomes EX
Oh My
Boss Theme: Mettaton EX
Death By Glamour
Plays after Mettaton EX
For The Fans
Plays in the elevator
Long Elevator
Dreemurr Backstory Theme
Unused Sans Boss Theme
Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans
Plays when sans is judging you
The Choice
Plays when you meet Asgore
Small Shock
Plays at the barrier
Plays right before the Asgore fight
Boss Theme: Asgore
Plays before the photoshop flowey fight
You Idiot
Boss Theme 1: Photoshop Flowey
Your Best Nightmare
Boss Theme 2: Phototshop Flowey
Ending Theme: Normal
An Ending
Plays at Undyne's Hous
She's Playing Piano
True Lab Theme
Here We Are
Boss Theme: Amalgamates
Plays when Toriel confronts Asgore
Fallen Down (Reprise)
Plays when your friends are trapped
Don't Give Up
Boss Theme 1: Asriel
Hopes And Dreams
Boss Theme 2: Asriel
Burn In Despair
Boss Theme 3: Asriel
Save The World
Plays during Asriel's Flashback
His Theme
Plays when Asriel breaks the Barrier
Final Power
Plays in the True Pacifist Route epilogue
Plays in the menu after completing the true pacifist route
Menu (Full)
Plays during the ending scene of the true pacifist route
Ending Theme 1: True Pacifist
Bring It In Guys
Ending Theme 2: True Pacifist
Last Goodbye
Plays when you try to kill Monster Kid and during Undyne's speech before becoming Undyne T.U.
But The Earth Refused To Die
Boss Theme: Undyne The Undying
Battle Against A True Hero
Boss Theme: Mettaton NEO
Power of NEO
Boss Theme: Sans
Unused Ending Theme (Avaliable in the demo version)
Good Night