Line: Ensemble
There's a face that we wear
In the cold light of day
It's society's mask
It's society's way
And the truth is
That it's all a facade
There's a face that we hide
Till the nighttime appears
And what's hiding inside
Behind all of our fears
Is our true self
Locked inside the facade
Every day
People, in their own sweet way
Like to add a coat of paint
And be what they ain't
That's how our little game is played
Livin' out a masquerade
Actin' a bizarre charade
While playing the saint
But there's one thing I know
And I know it for sure
This disease that we've got
Has got no ready cure
And I'm certain
Life is terribly hard
When your life's a facade
Look around you, I have found
You cannot tell by looking at the surface
What is lurking there beneath it
See that face? Now I'm prepared
To bet you what you see's not what you get
'Cos man's a master of deceit
So what is this sinister secret
The lying will tell you is true?
It's that each man you meet
On the street
Isn't one man but two
Nearly everyone you see
Like him and her and you and me
Pretends to be a pillar of society
A model of propriety, sobriety and piety
Who shudders at the thought of notoriety
Ladies an' gents here before you
Which none of 'em ever admits
May have savory looks
But they're sinners and crooks
There are preachers who kill
There are killers who preach
There are teachers who lie
There are liars who teach
Take your pick, dear
'Cos it's all a facade
If we're not one but two
Are we evil or good?
Do we walk the fine line
That we'd cross if we could?
Are we waiting
To break through the facade?
One or two
May look kinda well-to-do, ha!
They're as bad as me and you
Right down to their boots
I'm inclined to think half mankind
Thinks the other half is blind
Wouldn't be surprised to find
They're all in cahoots
At the end of the day
They don't mean what they say
They don't say what they mean
They don't ever come clean
And their answer
Is it's all a facade
Man is not one but two
He is evil and good
And he walks the fine line
We'd all cross if he could
It's a nightmare
We can never discard
So we stay on our guard
Though we love the facade
What's behind the facade?
Look behind the facade