I spent forever typing Albuquerque the first time. By the time I finished the word, I remembered that it wasn't a capital. Then I gave up on a fast time and just coooooasted.
It's because New Mexico is surprisingly huge. Going from Santa Fe to Las Cruces is longer than going from Oklahoma City to Dallas. The size of the state is somewhere between UK and Germany.
If you took the average size of the eleven states I've lived in, the average size would be about the same size as Germany (373,309 sq. kilometers compared to Germany's 357,021 sq. kilometers). Of course, it helps to have lived in both Alaska and Texas. Some useless, not-so-interesting information that nobody but me really cares about.
By the way, the 11 states I've lived in are Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Illinois, Virginia, Vermont, and yes, New Mexico.
Interesting Q: are there any capitals not in the northermost, southernmost, easternmost or westernmost ten? Any that are also not in the centralmost ten (from the geographical center of the country? I think Charleston, WV would not be in any of the those five sets.