Question | Answer | % Correct |
Berlin is the capital of Germany | True | 97%
Berlin is the financial centre of Germany | False | 81%
The River Danube runs through Berlin | False | 81%
Berlin is the largest city in Germany | True | 76%
During the Cold War, West Berlin was surrounded on all sides by East Germany | True | 75%
Berlin is the German federation's only city-state | False | 73%
You can catch a ferry from Berlin to Copenhagen | False | 72%
Former German chancellor Angela Merkel was born in Berlin | False | 68%
The Berlin Television Tower is the tallest structure in Germany | True | 65%
Adidas, Allianz and BMW are all headquartered in Berlin | False | 63%
Berlin's record low temperature is −31.9 Celcius (−25.4 Farenheit) | True | 63%
Berlin is further north than London | True | 62%
By annual ridership, the U-Bahn is the largest metro system in the European Union | False | 59%
World War II came to a close in Europe as the U.S. Army captured Berlin in April 1945 | False | 51%
The Berlin Wall divided the city for over 40 years | False | 46%
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