Name a PM who...
was not born in Australia
Chris Watson, George Reid...
was replaced by their own party
Billy Hughes, Robert Menzies...
was dismissed by the Governor-General
Gough Whitlam
lost their own seat at a federal election
Stanley Bruce, John Howard
served in office for more than a decade
Robert Menzies, John Howard
served in office for less than a month
Frank Forde, Earle Page...
served in office over the age of 70
Robert Menzies
served in office under the age of 40
Chris Watson, Stanley Bruce
died in office
Joseph Lyons, John Curtin, Harold Holt
represented a seat outside Victoria or NSW
Andrew Fisher, Joseph Lyons...
was an atheist
Julia Gillard
saw combat in World War II
John Gorton, Gough Whitlam
was unmarried during their tenure
John McEwen, Julia Gillard
served as PM under different parties
Billy Hughes
left office voluntarily
Edmund Barton, Andrew Fisher...
later sat in the British Parliament
Stanley Bruce, George Reid
was previously a journalist
Alfred Deakin, James Scullin...
won more than one election in the 21st century
John Howard