Name a country...
that borders Afghanistan
Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan ...
whose capital city is on the Mediterranean
Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon ...
that is doubly landlocked
Liechtenstein, Uzbekistan
that generates more than half its power from nuclear energy
France, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary
that was uninhabited until after 1000 AD
New Zealand, Cape Verde, Seychelles
that begins with O
that is entirely surrounded by another country
Lesotho, Vatican City, San Marino
whose capital city is below 35° south
Australia, New Zealand
that is an absolute monarchy
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Brunei ...
that has hosted the Summer Olympics in the 21st century
Greece, China, UK, Brazil
that claims territory in Antarctica
Australia, New Zealand, UK, France ...
that has a non-rectangular flag
that still officially calls itself a communist state
China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia
whose government was overthrown in the Arab Spring
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen
in which the US does not have an embassy
North Korea, Iran, Bhutan ...
that has territory in all three major oceans
United Kingdom, France
where divorce is illegal
Vatican City, Philippines
that still has a commercial whaling fleet
Japan, Iceland, Norway
that has 50 or more UNESCO World Heritage sites
China, Italy
that is named after a woman
St Lucia
Switzerland's and Vatican city's official flags are SQUARE shaped.