Answer | % Correct | |
Permanent Members | China | 84%
English | 84%
| |
Headquarters located in | New York City | 84%
Russia | 84%
| |
Spanish | 84%
| |
United States | 84%
| |
France | 82%
| |
French | 82%
| |
United Kingdom | 82%
| |
Established in | 24th October 1945 | 80%
Russian | 77%
| |
Official Languages | Arabic | 75%
Chinese | 75%
| |
Newest member of the Organization | South Sudan | 68%
Previous Intergovernmental Organization which failed to maintain world peace | League of Nations | 55%
his/her nationality | Portuguese | 43%
The Security Council | 43%
| |
World Health Organization | 43%
| |
The six principal Organs | The General Assembly | 41%
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | 39%
| |
Present Secretary General | Antonio Guterres | 32%
City where it came into being after the last conference was held in 25th April 1945 | San Francisco | 32%
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund | 32%
| |
World Tourism Organization | 30%
| |
The Secretariat | 25%
| |
International Court of Justice | 23%
| |
his/her nationality | Norwegian | 23%
The Economic and Social Council | 23%
| |
Food and Agricultural Organization | 20%
| |
The Trusteeship Council | 18%
| |
Subsidiary Organs of the UN | International Labour Organization | 14%
International Monetary Fund | 14%
| |
First Secretary General | Trygve Lie | 14%
United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 11%
| |
International Civil Aviation Organization | 9%
| |
International Telecommunication Union | 9%
| |
Universal Postal Union | 9%
| |
World Meteorological Organization | 9%
| |
International Fund for Agricultural Development | 7%
| |
International Maritime Organization | 7%
| |
World Intellectual Property Organization | 7%
| |
World Bank Group | 5%
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