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This country generates the most clean electricity per person on earth.
In 2015, this country focused on eliminating fossil fuel usage within its borders.
This country's investment in wind, solar, and geothermal energy is helping their aim of being 90% renewables-powered by the year 2020.
Costa Rica
This country's volcanoes make geothermal energy production viable. Plus the investment in wind and solar energy is helping their aim of being 90% renewables-powered by the year 2020.
This windy country is using a combination of grid-connected wind farms and standalone turbines to generate more electricity than from coal power plants.
United Kingdom
This cloudy country has a bright future with solar energy. Their renewable energy output including solar has increased more than eightfold since 1990.
This country is a shining example of how to do it right. It has invested heavily in wind and solar power. As a result, it now boasts a national energy supply that’s 95% renewables-powered, achieved in less than 10 years.
This country set a world record in 2014, by producing almost 40% of their overall electricity needs from wind power,
They may be the world’s largest polluter, but it is also the world’s biggest investor in renewable energy, with huge investment levels both at home and overseas.
This country has an abundance of sunshine (up to 350 days a year), so it has wisely decided to invest heavily in solar powered energy production.
This country has one of the world’s largest installed solar PV capacities and an installed wind energy capacity second only to China.
In the past, this country was forced to import electricity from neighbouring countries, but now they are investing heavily in geothermal energy production. which accounted for more than half their energy mix in 2015. They also have Africa’s largest wind farm, providing another 20% of their installed electricity generating capacity.