Description | Word | % Correct |
Greek poem about the Trojan War | Iliad | 89%
To beg | Plead | 89%
A staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water | Bread | 86%
A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer | Nomad | 86%
A group or set of three connected people or things | Triad | 86%
A struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam | Jihad | 84%
To work moistened flour into dough with the hands | Knead | 84%
In the lead | Ahead | 81%
Raw, vegetable dish | Salad | 68%
To fear something | Dread | 65%
A manner or the sound of someone walking | Tread | 59%
An organ that produces gametes; a testis or ovary | Gonad | 51%
Slang term for a woman | Broad | 49%
A small organized group of military personnel especially | Squad | 35%
The place or role that someone or something should have or fill | Stead | 11%
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