Based on the life expectancy ranges listed (both sexes combined) guess at least one country that you think will fall within that range. If you guess correctly all countries in that range will appear.
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Life Expectancy
80 plus Years
Japan / Switzerland / Singapore / Australia / Spain / Iceland / Italy / Israel / Sweden / France / South Korea / Canada / Luxembourg / Netherlands / Norway / Malta / New Zealand/ Austria / Ireland / United Kingdom / Belgium / Finland / Portugal / Germany / Greece / Slovenia / Denmark / Cyprus / Chile
79-75 Years
Costa Rica / United States / Cuba / Czech Republic / Maldives / Qatar /Croatia / Albania / Panama / Brunei/ Estonia / Poland / Bosnia / United Arab Emirates / Uruguay / Bahrain / Mexico / Slovakia / Oman / Antigua / Argentina / Jamaica / Ecuador / China / Montenegro / Bahamas / Vietnam / Hungary / Turkey / Macedonia / Algeria / Serbia/ Iran / Peru / Barbados / Tunisia / Saint Lucia/Malaysia / Romania / Brazil
74.9-70 Years
Lebanon / Thailand / Sri Lanka / Armenia / Nicaragua / Colombia / Kuwait / Honduras / Mauritius / Latvia / Saudi Arabia / Bulgaria / Georgia / Morocco / Jordan / Venezuela / Paraguay / Samoa / Dominican Republic / Grenada / Lithuania / Tonga / El Salvador / Cape Verde / Saint Vincent / Seychelles / Libya / Azerbaijan /Belarus / Moldova / Vanuatu / Guatemala / Bangladesh / Suriname / Ukraine / Trinidad / Kyrgyzstan / Egypt / Bolivia / North Korea /Russia / Kazakhstan /Belize