Name any country with the number of borders in the hint column.This quiz DOES NOT include the borders associated with overseas regions and territories. When you get a correct answer ALL countries with the same number of borders will appear.
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# Of Borders
Antigua and Barbuda / Australia / Bahamas / Bahrain / Barbados / Cape Verde / Comoros / Cuba / Dominica / Fiji / Grenada / Iceland / Jamaica / Japan / Kiribati / Madagascar / Maldives / Malta / Marshall Islands / Mauritius / Federated States of Micronesia / Nauru / New Zealand / Palau / Philippines / Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Samoa / São Tomé and Príncipe / Seychelles / Singapore / Solomon Islands / Sri Lanka / Tonga / Trinidad and Tobago / Tuvalu / Vanuatu
Brunei / Canada / Cyprus / Denmark / Dominican Republic / East Timor / The Gambia / Haiti / Ireland / South Korea / Lesotho / Monaco / Papua New Guinea / Portugal / Qatar / San Marino / United Kingdom / Vatican City
Andorra / Bangladesh / Belize / Bhutan / Costa Rica / Ecuador / El Salvador / Equatorial Guinea / Estonia / Eswatini / Guinea-Bissau / Kuwait / Lebanon / Liechtenstein / Moldova / Mongolia / Nepal / Netherlands / Nicaragua / Panama / Sierra Leone / Sweden / Tunisia / United Arab Emirates / United States / Uruguay / Yemen
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Burundi / Cambodia / Chile / Djibouti / Eritrea / Finland / Gabon / Ghana / Guyana / Honduras / Indonesia / North Korea / Liberia / Luxembourg / Malawi / Malaysia / Mexico / Morocco / Netherlands / Norway / Oman / Paraguay / Somalia / Suriname / Togo / United Kingdom / Venezuela / Vietnam