While the Soviet Union might be the most prominent example, there are other countries that have toyed with the idea of socialism/communism.
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After a civil war in 1949, the Communist Party took over most of this country. Mao Zedong became its leader. To this day the country is still a unitary socialist one-party state.
People's Republic of China
The Khmer Rouge took over this country and installed their regime in 1975.
When communism largely collapsed around the world in 1991, the Party remained in power in this country.
This country existed between 1949 and 1990. The ruling political party was the SED.
East Germany
In 1974 a Soviet-backed Marxist–Leninist military dictatorship, the "Derg," led by Mengistu Haile Mariam, deposed this country's emperor and later established a communist party-led state in 1975 that lasted until 1991.
This country is still a highly centralized, one-party republic. Its main institution is the WPK which is committed to Juche ("self-reliance").
North Korea
In 1945 the Soviet Union instituted a new communist government in this country that lasted from 1952 until 1989.
In 1947 King Michael I was forced to abdicate and this country was created.
Officially a Bolivarian Republic, this country is currently undergoing a large economic crisis which is largely deemed to be a result of socialism.
You forgot Czechoslovakia, East Germany, South Yemen, the USSR and Yugoslavia ( unless your only counting countries that still exist ). If you don't count those countries you still have to include: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Benin, Republic of the Congo, Grenada, Hungary, Madagascar, Mongolia, Mozambique, Somalia and Vietnam
The Ruling Party of East Germany was called SED (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands). GDR (German Democratic Republic) was the official name of the State