Hint | Answer | % Correct |
River flowing through London to the North Sea | Thames | 97%
An island nation in the Caribbean | {Trinidad} and {Tobago} | 97%
A monument located in Agra, India | {Taj} {Mahal} | 95%
Country in East Africa | Tanzania | 95%
The capital and largest city of Taiwan | Taipei | 93%
Australia largest island | Tasmania | 92%
New York City intersection extending from 42nd to 47th Streets. Popular gathering spot on New Years Eve | {Times} {Square} | 92%
The capital of Estonia | Tallinn | 86%
A river that flows from Turkey through Iraq | Tigris | 86%
The largest island in French Polynesia. Paul Gauguin famously painted here | Tahiti | 85%
Capital of Uzbekistan | Tashkent | 78%
The river that flows through Rome in Italy | Tiber | 78%
An autonomous region of China | Tibet | 76%
A city in central Mali and symbol for any proverbially distant or remote place | Timbuktu | 75%
Capital of Bhutan | Thimphu | 63%
Argentinian province and home of Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world | {Tierra} {del} {Fuego} | 53%
A resident or native of the US state of North Carolina | {Tar} Heel | 36%
Demonym for Togo | Togolese | 34%
A language spoken in India with more than 80 million native speakers | Telugu | 29%
The farthest north location mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman literature and cartography | Thule | 10%
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